
Finding Aid: March/April 1992

The complete issue

Vol. XIII, No. 5
(32 pages)

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Cover image
A portrait of an unknown officer of the 7th U.S. Cavalry wearing the ultra rare M1902 “winged horseshoe” insignia of the regimental veterinarian.

Editor’s Desk (p. 1)
The editor issues a call to readers to help solve the problem of fake images on the collector’s market.

Mail Call (p. 3)
The letters to the editor include praise for the story about the previously unpublished image of Confederate prisoners of war, a question about the identity of a soldier on the back cover of the May/June 1991 issue and observations on modern photographers practicing 19th century methods.

Passing in Review (p. 5)
Two books are mentioned, including 1st South Carolina Volunteers (Gregg’s) (Design Folio) by Ron Field and Eyewitness at Wounded Knee (University of Nebraska Press) by Richard Jensen, Eli Paul and John Carter.

Private Spurgeon Goes to Cuba: A 7th Cavalry Photo Album by Robert Kotchian (pp. 6-7)
Selected images from the photo album of Clifford Spurgeon, who served in the 7th U.S. Cavalry from 1897-1900, includes a portrait of Spurgeon on is mount, a burial party in Cuba and more.

The Guns of Gettysburg and Other Photographic Oddities at the 1991 Mason-Dixon Show (pp. 8-13)
A selection of images scanned at the annual event is subdivided into the following groupings: Artillerymen, sharpshooters, street scenes, Confederates and near Confederates, Zouaves and near Zouaves, cavalrymen, sailors, and four from West Coast collector Peter Buxton.

A Most Impressive Sight: The burning of the U.S.S. Monongahela on St. Patrick’s Day, 1908 as told to Charles Jackson by Frank Jackson, USN (pp. 14-15)
A celebration to honor Saint Pat on March 17, 1908, spelled doom for the venerable Civil War-era vessel Monongahela when a rocket fuse was accidently lit and started a fire that ended in disaster. First Class Blacksmith Frank Jackson of the U.S. Navy told this story to his son Frank. The narrative is illustrated with a portraits of Frank and the Monongahela.

The Keystone Travelers: Regimental History of the 104th Pennsylvania Infantry by Joseph G. Bilby (pp. 16-23)
Raised as the “Ringgold Regiment” in Bucks County, Pa., the story of the 104th is told in words and pictures. The latter includes portraits of Division commander Gen. Silas Casey, Col. William W.H. Davis, Lt. E. Sayers McDowell, Pvt. William Harrison Hibbs, Pvt. Thomas Smith, Sgt. W.H. Edwards, Lt. Harry Kessler and Pvt. Richard Clayton.

Headquarters for Photographs: A delightful assortment of wondrous images from our readers (pp. 24-29)
A total of 15 images are featured, and the star of the show is quarter-plate ambrotype from the John McWilliams collection of a photographer’s tent, outside of which stands the staff and a soldier who peers at a case that may contain his likeness. The tent is labeled “Headquarters for Photographs.”

Uniforms & History by Michael J. McAfee (pp. 30-31)
In “The Seventh Regiment, New York State Militia,” McAfee examines the origins of this respected regiment and its chasseur-inspired uniform. Portraits of two unidentified privates illustrate the text.

Sutlers’ Row (p. 32)

Back cover
A portrait from the Peter Buxton collection is an antebellum Marine lieutenant. He bears a striking resemblance to Paymaster John C. Cash.

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