
A New Mathew Brady Memorial

Historic Congressional Cemetery in Washington, D.C., the final resting place of Mathew Brady, will be home to a new memorial honoring the Father of Photojournalism. The Mathew Brady/Levin Handy Memorial is the culmination of the vision of Larry J. West, a collector of 19th century photography. The Smithsonian Institution acquired 286 items from West’s collection last year.

The new memorial will be adjacent to Mathew Brady’s burial plot at Historic Congressional Cemetery.

The new memorial is a unique interactive space featuring bronze statues of Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, and Brady’s camera. It also features more than 80 fired porcelain, artisanal Italian ceramic images, including a life-size ceramic of Brady. As Larry notes, the memorial honors Brady as a “pioneer photographer, technical innovator, entrepreneur, photo team leader and recorder of American history.”

It will be unveiled later this year.

For more information about the memorial and the dedication ceremony, contact

Learn more about the origins and planning of the memorial in “The Camera Is the Eye of History”: A new memorial in Washington, D.C., honors Mathew Brady.

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