
Finding Aid: May/June 2000

The complete issue

Vol. XXI, No. 6
(40 pages)

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Cover image
carte de visite from the Michael J. McAfee Collection pictures Julia Wood, who was photographed in Auburn, N.Y.

Editor’s Desk (p. 3)
The editor dedicates his comments to the January-February 2000 cover image, thought to be John Singleton Mosby. The outpouring of challenges to the identification ended in a retraction. Mosby Verdict In: Editor Guilty.

Mail Call (pp. 4-5)
Letters include comments about the 3rd New Jersey “Butterflies” and praise for the New York issue.

An Army of Women: A look at non-uniformed participants in the Civil War by Juanita Leisch (pp. 6-11)
A survey of 13 images of women illustrates text that summarizes Civil War era fashions inspired by military and patriotic themes.

Hardtack & Hairnets: Women in photographs of the Union army by Cricket Bauer (pp. 12-19)
A survey of 14 images, all outdoor views, include well- and lesser-known examples of women in camp.

Viva la Vivandières: A short history of women in pseudo-military costume by Cricket Bauer (pp. 20-24)
From “French Mary” Tepe to acclaimed opera singer Clara Louise Kellogg, military and patriotic costumes suggest Vivandières. This is not always the case, suggests the author Eight images make the point.

Patriots in Petticoats: Vivandières, Cantinières, Actresses & Daughters of the Regiment: A survey from the collections of our readers (pp. 25-30)
A total of 19 images picture a great variety of dress. Positively identified images include actress Lillie Eldridge, opera singer Clara Louisa Kellogg, Dr. Mary Walker and Sarah Burnett.

Pauline Cushman, Union Spy by Michael Fitzpatrick (pp. 31-34)
A biography of the well-known actress and spy is described as an enigmatic paradox by the author, who provides basic biographic details of her life. The text is illustrated with an image of Cushman, and another image Union Gen. Gordon Granger, one of the many high-ranking officers North and South to fall under her spell.

Captain Bob’s Caveat Emptorium (p. 35)
A rare soldier in a skirt is a great bargain—or is it?

Passing in Review (p. 36)
Two publications are mentioned, including Third Alabama! The Civil War Memoir of Brigadier General Cullen A. Battle, CSA (University of Alabama Press) edited by Brandon H. Beck and The Union Image: Popular Prints of the Civil War North (The University of North Carolina Press) by Mark Neely Jr. and Harold Holzer.

Sutler’s Row (pp. 38-40)

Back cover
An image from the Michael Kraus Collection is titled “Ready to Ride!”

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