Who we are
Military Images is America’s only magazine solely dedicated to the study of photographs of Civil War soldiers. Established in 1979, our ongoing mission seeks to showcase, interpret and preserve these rare images. The portraits were originally personal, intimate objects never intended for public consumption. Beginning with the centennial of the Civil War, these relics have moved from attics and basements into private and public collections. Today these surviving images are treasured artifacts that tell the story of the United States during our greatest struggle for survival as a nation. Members of MI have access to a mix of analysis, case studies, examinations of material culture and personal stories to gain a unique perspective on human aspects of the war.
Our print edition is quarterly, 80-pages, full-color, and printed on high-quality stock. The content and design are unique to the subject matter—stories you won’t find anywhere else.
Our digital edition has two components. A high-quality replica of the print edition is offered as a PDF file. A digital native version embraces the metered paywall model and is built on a state-of-the-art CMS. The site was launched in 2015 and includes 200+ stories. We also maintain a separate company website, our home for news and information about Military Images. It includes finding aids for more than 200 back issues.
Our commitment to social media is focused on Facebook, where we’ve built an audience of 100K. Our regular posts educate and inform. Our bi-weekly streaming video show, Military Images Live, provides behind-the-scenes details and other information.
Who we reach
Our subscriber base is composed of those with an active interest in American history with a focus on the Civil War. It includes an vibrant community of collectors and dealers in historic military photography and other artifacts, researchers and genealogists, re-enactors and living historians, authors and historians, museums, libraries, historical societies, and other public and private institutions. Included in this last group are more than 40 Civil War-related national historical sites and military parks and museums.
Our approach to advertising
Considering the many ways we access information in our world, we view Military Images as part of an ecosystem that includes our tradition magazine in print and digital editions, a web site with access to a full digital archive, a strong social media presence that dominates the market, a streaming Facebook show, Military Images Live, and a presence at Civil War Shows across the country. In short, MI goes where the action is—and we take your message and brand with us.
Our ad plans
Military Images offers a range of affordable options to reach our desirable demographic. View our Media Kit (pdf) to learn more about your options, and to start your advertising campaign with Military Images.

Final creative due November 15
Mail drop date last week in November
Final creative due February 15
Mail drop date first week in March
Final creative due May 15
Mail drop date first week in June
Final creative due August 15
Mail drop date first week in September
Note: Final creative dates are estimates.
Contact MI at militaryimagesads@gmail.com or 703-568-1616.