
Military Images Nominated for National Writing Award

As an image-driven magazine, we strive to showcase, interpret and preserve unique and compelling Civil War era portraits. We also strive to put these images into context and historical perspective.

With this in mind, I am delighted to announce that two of our stories are finalists for the 2023 Army Historical Foundation Distinguished Writing Awards. They are:

“‘The Armless Hero of Fredericksburg’: The courage and compassion of Medal of Honor recipient Thomas Francis Plunkett,” which features images from the Mark Savolis Collection.

“Lieutenant Washington’s Fateful Encounter: James Barroll Washington sat for a well-known portrait with George Armstrong Custer. Here’s the story behind it.” by Ronald S. Coddington with an image from the Bobby McCoy Collection.

In 2021, we won in our category (Journals and Magazines) for “A Savior of the Capitol,” by Paul Russinoff.

Learn more about the Army Historical Foundation.

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