
Military Images Series IV

Ronald S. Coddington, Editor; Winter 2014 to present.
Beginning with Series IV, Military Images is published as a quarterly magazine.

Volume XXXII: 2014

Winter 2014
(Number 1)

Features include a survey of North Carolina soldiers in the Confederate Army by Greg Mast. an album of faces of enlisted men and non-commissioned officers in the 25th U.S. Colored Infantry, the story of an Irish-American Civil War veteran and a showdown with the Sioux, a portrait of Robert E. Lee we were not supposed to see, the life and times of a U.S. Navy boatswain, and more.

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Spring 2014
(Number 2)

Features include representative images from the Rick Brown Collection of American Photography, the story behind the military commission trial of Confederate Maj. Henry Kyd Douglas, a field guide to battle shirts, a profile of Maj. William Ellis of the 49th New York Infantry at the Bloody Angle, and more.

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Summer 2014
(Number 3)

Features include representative images from the Matt Cranford Collection, an examination of police officers during the Civil War, the story of an enlisted man in the 51st Pennsylvania Infantry, a primer about master’s mates in the Civil War Navy, a newly discovered tintype of battleship Maine commander Charles D. Sigsbee, and more.

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Autumn 2014
(Number 4)

Features include representative images from the Paul Russinoff Collection, a gallery of soldiers posed with regimental flags and national colors, the story and Civil War connections to the Yorktown Cup, an exploration of photos of soldiers wearing personalized clothing and equipment, 1864 images of an innovative prosthetic design, and more.

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Volume XXXIII: 2015

Winter 2015
(Number 1)

Features include representative images from the Brian Boeve Collection, images of Union patriots posed with regimental banners and national flags from the collection of Rick Carlile, a field guide to Havelock hats in the Civil War, the life and times of a good-natured rowdy in the 165th New York Infantry, and more.

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Spring 2015
(Number 2)

Features include representative images from the Chris Foard Collection of Civil War nursing, victorian mourning fashions and rituals, images of Connecticut soldiers during the Civil War, a profile of the 154th New York Infantry, a story about the tragic fate of a Confederate and Union soldier at the very end of the Civil War, and more.

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Summer 2015
(Number 3)

Features include representative images from the Dan Schwab Collection, the story of the 6th U.S. Colored Infantry, the life and times of a Confederate surgeon, a profile of Civil War photographer Theodore M. Schleier, how a tintype helped prove a soldier’s pension claim, and more.

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Autumn 2015
(Number 4)

Features include an examination of the use of props in Civil War portrait photography, a story about the early use of of photographic evidence in two court-martial cases for desertion, the life and times of a champion aeronaut who became a U.S. army balloonist, a Confederate naval officer’s life and service, and more.

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Volume XXXIV: 2016

Winter 2016
(Number 1)

Features include an examination of an iconic image of Robert E. Lee, portraits of the 5th Massachusetts Cavalry, hidden treasures from Ronn Palm’s Museum of Civil War Images, the story of a former Union officer murdered in Reconstruction Florida, the life and legacy of Oliver Wilcox Norton, revisiting a photograph of a soldier “riding the rail,” a survey of backdrops of Benton Barracks, and more.

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Spring 2016
(Number 2)

Features include the story of previously unknown portraits of Jefferson and Varina Davis, the life and times of the 3rd West Virginia Cavalry, representative outdoor hard plate images from the C. Paul Loane Collection, the story of a Union captain held hostage in a battle of wits between Jefferson Davis and John Pope, images of Union wives and their generals, an album of the 33rd Illinois Infantry, and more.

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Summer 2016
(Number 3)

Features include Mark Dunkelman’s discovery of a wartime tintype of his great-grandfather, a brief history of the carte de visite and how it became the Facebook of the 1860s, images of Jefferson Davis as a political soldier, an account of a Confederate officer wounded and captured at Pickett’s Charge, the life and death of an officer of the 124th New York Infantry along Houck’s Ridge, the story of a conspicuous cadet at New Market, and more.

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Autumn 2016
(Number 4)

Features include a brief history and representative portraits of U.S. and Confederate Zouaves from the Dan Miller Collection, the history behind an albumen photograph of U.S. Colored soldiers wounded at the Battle of the Crater, an account of the suspicious death of an Iowa colonel, a Pennsylvania officer at the Battle of Cedar Creek and beyond, early photographs of C.S.A. President Jefferson Davis, and more.

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Volume XXXV: 2017

Winter 2017
(Number 1)

Features include an exploration of a portrait of Jefferson Davis, the story of a nurse at Camp Butler, a gallery of early Civil War Rhode Island soldier portraits, previously unpublished images of David G. Farragut, a profile of women on the home front during the Civil War, a gallery of portraits of couples and families, the life and times of Union Surg. Edward Sylvester Matthews, an analysis of a portrait of five VMI Cadets, and more.

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Spring 2017
(Number 2)

Features include a gallery of portraits and stories of soldiers who participated in the 1861 Battle of Ball’s Bluff, the life and times of South Carolina soldier Joe Quattlebaum, the backstory of an iconic Civil War photograph of a nurse inside a hospital ward, a profile of Almon C. Barnard of the 14th New York Infantry, the story of William Gaston Delony of Cobb’s Georgia Legion Cavalry, and more.

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Summer 2017
(Number 3)

Features include excerpts from the dream journal of Alexander S. Paxton of the 4th Virginia Infantry, a survey of image of Virginians who served in the Confederate military, the life and times of “Tete” Smith of the 4th Georgia Infantry, a collection of images of Gettysburg soldiers, representative images from the Mike Werner Collection, a profile of newspaper correspondent Junius Henri Browne, and more.

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Autumn 2017
(Number 4)

Features include a collection of images of World War I Doughboys posed with Civil War veterans, representative images from the Rich Jahn Collection, the story of pioneer photo collector and Civil War veteran Samuel Crocker Lawrence, an exploration of Civil War camp photographers, the story behind a unique image of Abraham Lincoln’s secretary John Hay in uniform, the life and times of a Maryland Confederate, profiles of West Virginia physicians who became combat commanders, and more.

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Volume XXXVI: 2018

Winter 2018
(Number 1)

Features include the story of a Confederate Mona Lisa, faces of Rhode Island’s First Responders, representative portraits from the Dan Binder Collection; a survey of images that came under fire in battle—and survived, a Georgia officer killed at the Battle of Franklin, an officer in the Orphan Brigade; the life and Civil War service of the Cherokee Nation’s Lewis Downing; a Massachusetts soldier recalls his wounding at Fredericksburg, and more.

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Spring 2018
(Number 2)

Features include the antebellum origins of the Father of the American Cavalry, the battle of The Wilderness and the deadliest day in Vermont history, fundraising during and after the Civil War, two brothers in the Union army and navy meet Up in New Orleans, how alcohol ended a West Pointer’s promising military career, images of the Nathan Bedford Forrest family from the collections of Matt Hagans and Steve and Mike Romano, a previously unpublished portrait of Elmer Ellsworth, and more.

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Summer 2018
(Number 3)

Features include an album of portraits of Union and Confederate soldiers in the Gettysburg Campaign, faces and stories of Maine men at Gettysburg, Otis C. Billings and Cowan’s 1st New York Independent Battery at Gettysburg, fallout from the Johnston reconnaissance at Gettysburg, a hometown tribute to Winfield Scott Hancock, representative images from the Bryan Watson Collection, the story of “Old Pap,” and more.

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Autumn 2018
(Number 4)

Features include a survey of portraits of soldiers at Antietam, representative images from the Kevin Canberg Collection, the first in a three-part series of Lookout Mountain images, Civil War daguerreotypes, a history of revenue stamps during and just after the Civil War, hospital stewards during the Civil War, a researcher’s journey to uncover the facts behind a mythical story, a gallery of cigar smoking military men, and more.

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Volume XXXVII: 2019

Winter 2019
(Number 1)

Features include a gallery of representative images from the Buck Zaidel Collection, the second of a three-part of a series of Lookout Mountain images, a survey of New Jersey portraits from the John Kuhl Collection, men who shaped the Medal of Honor, an Alabama captain and the origins of his military company, the story of an unofficial powder boy’s courage under fire, Confederate military and political portraits in England, and more.

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Spring 2019
(Number 2)

Features include a gallery of portraits of Blue and Gray at Shiloh, the story of an Iowa officer in the Hornet’s Nest at Shiloh, the third and final part of a series of Lookout Mountain images, an exploration of memorial photographs of the Civil War, a new look at an iconic photo of Old Abe and his color guard, the life and times of innovative New York artillery office Jacob Roemer, and more.

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Summer 2019
(Number 3)

Features include a survey of Mexican War era portraits of West Pointers, Regulars and Volunteers, the story of U.S. Navy officer and prisoner of war Abner Stover, Sgt. H. Paxton Bigham’s Gettysburg experience, the life and service of North Carolina’s Henry King Burgwyn, Jr., profiles of Union Soldiers in the fight for Petersburg, PiPs (photos in photos), and more.

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Autumn 2019
(Number 4)

Features include a survey of military portraits of West Pointers and Regulars on the western frontier in antebellum times, a gallery of images of soldiers with pipes, the story of U.S. Navy officer Albert L. Gihon, the Confederate photography of S.W. Gault, the story behind a tableau of officers in the 69th Ohio Infantry, the life and times of Lincoln family nurse Rebecca Pomroy, a fresh look at “filler” cartes de visite, entertainer Barney Williams, and more.

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Volume XXXVIII: 2020

Winter 2020
(Number 1)

Features include a gallery of portraits of Tennessee Confederates, a survey of antebellum naval images, a collection of French photographs of Confederate political and military leaders, the story of photographer Ock Tyner, a history of the 14th U.S. Colored Infantry, the identification of Michigan soldier photographs, information about copyrights and photography in 19th Century America, and more.

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Spring 2020
(Number 2)

Features include a gallery of portraits of Georgia Confederates from the David Wynn Vaughan Collection, commemorating William Tecumseh Sherman’s 200th birthday, the story between Tunis A.M. Craven’s last recorded words at Mobile Bay, a survey of antebellum midshipmen, the life and times of Baltimore’s Noah Dixon Walker, the journey of photographer and soldier William Kurtz, and more.

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Summer 2020
(Number 3)

Features include a gallery of U.S. and Confederate soldiers who fought at Gettysburg, the life and death of Capt. Charles W. Billings of the 20th Maine Infantry at Little Round Top, the story of a Wisconsin boy who met and fell in love with a local Gettysburg girl against the backdrop of the battle, an exploration of the photograph of the children of Amos Humiston, Old Abe and the Army of the American Eagle, magic lantern slides, and more.

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Autumn 2020
(Number 4)

Features include a gallery of U.S. and Confederate chaplains, a profile of New England arms manufacturer James T. Ames, a profile of Connecticut Col. Elisha Kellogg Strong, the story behind a photo album that belonged to a Connecticut officer, an account of a Union surgeon caught in the crossfire between quarreling generals, and more.

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Volume XXXIX: 2021

Winter 2021
(Number 1)

Features include a gallery of New Hampshire volunteers during the Civil War and their distinctive NHV caps, a profile of John Hunt Morgan’s telegrapher, an explanation of how color appears in 19th century wet plate photography, a look at masculine ideals in Civil War portraits, using modern scanning techniques to add new life to old ambrotypes, and more.

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Spring 2021
(Number 2)

Features include a profile of an officer from the 6th Massachusetts Infantry who led his company through Baltimore during the 1861 riot, a gallery of drummers, a profile of a U.S. officer who tracked Lincoln assassin John Wilkes Booth, a German immigrant who supported hi King in 1848, an explanation of how cameras captured color in Civil War era photography, images from the Adams County Historical Society, and more.

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Summer 2021
(Number 3)

Features include a gallery of Civil War buglers, a profile of the Mississippi Marine Brigade, the story of 12 Union soldiers who signed a Compact to meet in 20 years, a collection of profiles of Gettysburg amputees, an interview with a modern technologist who colorizes photos, a portrait connected to Gettysburg in 1865, and more.

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Autumn 2021
(Number 4)

Features include representative images from the Matthew L. Oswalt M.D. Collection, The life and times of an Indiana infantryman in the Civil War, The Drown family of the 5th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, a photo essay about army life during the Civil War, a profile of Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, N.Y., and more.

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Volume XL: 2022

Winter 2022
(Number 1)

Features include a profile of Richmond, Va., photographer Charles Ricard Rees, the story behind a post-war composite of volunteers in 19th Iowa Infantry’s Company C, views of President Abraham Lincoln from other countries, a sergeant in the U.S. Colored Infantry’s open letter to fight for the Union, and more.

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Spring 2022
(Number 2)

Commemorating the bicentennial of the birth of Mathew Brady, features include a forum focused on why Brady continues to resonate today, an exploration of his overlooked “Illustrations of Camp Life” series, a collection of Brady Gallery soldier portraits, a look at Anthony Berger’s iconic portrait of Abraham Lincoln and his son Tad, a new Brady memorial in Washington, D.C., and more.

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Summer 2022
(Number 3)

Features include Mississippi soldiers from the Matthew L. Oswalt Collection, overlooked U.S. Regulars at the Battle of Gettysburg, a profile of spy and scoundrel Lafayette Curry Baker, the story of a Scottish blockade runner, two women who attended a historic convention in 1863, Q&A with podcaster Paul Hoza of the Untold Civil War, antebellum warriors, and more.

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Autumn 2022
(Number 4)

Features include Illinois faces and stories, Chicago and the origins of Zouave mania, an Illinois solder’s bravery at Shiloh, Woman war photographers of Illinois, the life and times of Hannibal Turner, Q&A with Will Eichler, Behind the Backdrop, The Last Shot, and more.

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Volume XLI: 2023

Winter 2023
(Number 1)

Features include Iowa faces and stories, Scout and nurse Elizabeth Fairfax, Iowa and Georgia captains and POWs, the army education of John D. Billings, Abbottypes, Q&A with Kean Wilcox, Antebellum Warriors, Behind the Backdrop, The Last Shot, and more.

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Spring 2023
(Number 2)

Features include “Jeff. Davis and the South!”, Confederate men of war from the Phil McCoy Collection, Medal of Honor recipient Tom Plunkett, Baltimore Sanitary Fair, Revolutionary war veteran Eneas Munson’s journey from Yale to Yorktown, Q&A with William P. Jones, and more.

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Summer 2023
(Number 3)

Features include an exploration of the iconic Mathew Brady photograph of three Confederate prisoners at Gettysburg, a portrait photograph tour of the Soldiers’ National Cemetery at Gettysburg, artificial intelligence and Civil War images, relics from Fort Sumter, and more.

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Autumn 2023
(Number 4)

Features include an update on the Herb Peck Collection theft 45 years later, the backstory of the iconic 1862 photo of George Armstrong Custer and James Barroll Washington, the “Brave Boy-Lieutenant” of Indiana, European generals who did not become part of the Union army, and more.

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Volume XLII: 2024

Winter 2024
(Number 1)

Features include an iconography of Confederate Rear Adm. Raphael Semmes, a look at the ambrotype of Amos Humiston, a profile of Union Brig. Gen. Benjamin F. Kelley of West Virginia, the story of John Augustine Washington III of Mount Vernon and an aide to Gen. Robert E. Lee, and more.

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Spring 2024
(Number 2)

Features include a collection of profile and stories of Marylanders in the U.S. and Confederate armies and navies, the backstory of a Confederate arms agent in Europe, the Brooklyn Service Medal, Invalid Detachment and Invalid Corps origins, mail order erotica, and more.

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Summer 2024
(Number 3)

Features include the early war story of Confederate Brig. Gen. Evander M. Law, a new theory about the photo of three prisoners at Gettysburg, sleuthing an image of escaped Union POWs and their guides, a profile of a hospital steward at Gettysburg, a Confederate veteran buried at Arlington, and more.

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Autumn 2024
(Number 4)

Features include a profile of U.S. Colored Troops (USCT) at Benton Barracks, JEB Stuart at Hagerstown after Gettysburg, an officer who made the Great Escape from Libby Prison, U.S. Grant’s marvelous miniature Appomattox table, Dr. Mary Edwards Walker, the Maynard carbine, and more

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