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The Spring 2024 issue

A complete table of contents for the Spring 2024 issue of Military Images magazine, and information about how to purchase single issues and subscriptions.

Vol. XLIII, No. 2
(80 pages)

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Cover image
An ambrotype from the Liljenquist Family Collection at the Library of Congress features an unidentified Maryland Confederate.

Table of Contents (p. 1)

Editor’s Desk (p. 2)
Introducing a new column, Women of War by Melissa A. Winn, and a new stop (York, Pa.) for our traveling exhibit.

Mail Call (pp. 3-4)
Feedback includes more about Herb Peck Jr.’s stolen collection and praise for the magazine.

Military Anthropologist (p. 4)
When Did We Start Calling It the Civil War? A survey of names for the conflict between 1861 and 1865 on reveals nomenclature changes over time.

Passing in Review (p. 6)
In Dear Uncles: The Civil War Letters of Arthur McKinstry, a Soldier in the Excelsior Brigade, Rick Barram tells the story of a young reporter-soldier.

Photo Sleuth by Kurt Luther (pp. 8-10)
Sharon Karam posted a question on the Facebook page Civil War Faces about an unnamed cadet photo, which led to a connection to the early days of Virginia Tech.

Antebellum Warriors (p. 12)
Scottish immigrants to the U.S. in the 19th century brought a rich military tradition, as evidenced by the uniform in this circa 1859 portrait of a militiaman.

Most Hallowed Ground (p. 16)
U.S. Army 1st Lt. Rufus Saxton nearly lost his life as he marched captured pro-secession militia through St. Louis. He went on to become a respected general.

The Honored Few (p. 18)
Major General Manning Ferguson Force called for a flag of truce to rally Union troops at the Battle of Atlanta. He got a truce flag instead. He was not happy.

The Citizenry (p. 20)
A circa 1871 photograph of a member of the Ku Klux Klan captured by U.S. law enforcement in Tishomingo County, Mississippi. The men turned state’s evidence.

Divided Maryland: Portraits and stories from the Jonathan Beasley Collection (pp. 23-41)
Representative portraits of the 60,000 Union and 25,000 Confederate soldiers and sailors who served in the U.S. and C.S. military forces during the Civil War.

King’s Knight to King 7 by Ron Maness (pp. 44–51)
Investigating connections between Confederate agent Caleb Huse in Europe, President Jefferson Davis and the James T. Ames Company during the Civil War.

Origins of Invalid Detachments and Invalid Corps by Bret Schweinfurth (pp. 53-55)
A series of War Department general orders issued between March and June 1863 trace the evolution of Invalid Detachments and the Invalid Corps.

Brooklyn Honors Its Boys In Blue: A history of the Brooklyn Service Medal by Richard Leisenring Jr. (pp. 56-60)
Brooklyn, New York, Mayor Alfred M. Wood championed one of the nation’s first service medals for Civil War veterans. The soldiers received the honor in 1866.

For the Sporting Man: A concise history of mail order erotica in the Civil War by Elizabeth A. Topping(pp. 62-65)
Mail order erotica tripled during the Civil War. In 1865 the government passed laws to seize and destroy pornographic photos and other images deemed obscene.

Material Culture by Ron Field (pp. 68-69)
The uniform of the First Light Infantry of Providence, R.I., dates to organization’s 1818 founding. Author Ron Field examines the dress and fatigue uniforms.

Behind the Backdrop by Adam Ochs Fleischer (p. 70)
The Caribbean Plantation Backdrop by Henry G. Pearce of Providence, R.I., features a unique scene that is open to thought-provoking interpretations.

Women of War by Melissa A. Winn (pp. 72-73) 
Civil War vivandière Marie Tepe, known as “French Mary,” suffered a wound at the Battle of Fredericksburg and received the Kearney Cross for Chancellorsville.

Vignette: Episodes of the Civil War by Scott Valentine (p. 74)
Captain George Emerson of the 67th Ohio Infantry suffered wounds at Fort Wagner in 1863 and Bermuda Hundred in 1864. The second proved mortal.

Stragglers (p. 76)
Confederate veteran and artist Allen Christian Redwood of the 1st Maryland Cavalry saw much of the Civil War, as reflected in his postwar illustrations.

The Last Shot (p. 80)
A carte de visite of a Veteran Reserve Corps first lieutenant covering the lower part of his face with a book.

Finding Aid: Autumn 2021

A complete table of contents for the Autumn 2021 issue of Military Images magazine, and information about how to purchase single issues and subscriptions.

Vol. XXXIX, No. 4
(80 pages)

Print edition: Visit our store to check availability
Digital edition: Visit to purchase
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Cover image
A sixth-plate tintype from the Dan Schwab Collection pictures a U.S. Colored Infantryman.

Table of Contents (p. 1)

Editor’s Desk (p. 2)
In “A Word About Mail Delivery,” the editor shares details about the history of the U.S. Post Office’s periodicals rate.

Mail Call (pp. 3-4)
Feedback includes praise for the gallery of buglers, a memorial to Trevor Boeve, a journey to recognize the grave of a Civil War veteran, and notes on fluted Colt Revolvers and Maynard Carbines.

Military Anthropologist (p. 4)
A breakdown of Medals of Honor awarded to Union army soldiers, by rank.

Passing in Review (p. 6)
Two books are reviewed: Colonel Mobley: The 7th Maryland Infantry in the Civil War by Justin T. Mayhew (self-published) and Military Prisons of the Civil War: A Comparative Study by David L. Keller (Westholme Publishing).

Photo Sleuth by Kurt Luther (pp. 8-10)
In “Civil War Photo Sleuth Goes Social,” Luther provides information about several new features that focus on collaboration and community.

Antebellum Warriors (p. 12)
A sixth plate daguerreotype features a soldier dressed in a uniform with hints of militia and regular army from the Mexican War to early 1850s era.

Most Hallowed Ground (p. 14)
Pvt. Oliver Gardner of the 3rd Michigan Infantry survived a wound at the Battle of Gettysburg but succumbed to injuries sustained during the Battle of The Wilderness. He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

The Honored Few (p. 16)
Maj. John Curtis Gilmore of the 16th New York Infantry put himself in harm’s way during the Battle of Salem Church when he grabbed the colors and rallied the men. His actions resulted in the Medal of Honor.

The Citizenry by Ross J. Kelbaugh (p. 18)
In “Free at Last,” the origins of a carte de visite of Freedmen on the grounds of a home is traced to Louisiana and the Baton Rouge studio of photographers McPherson and Oliver.

Bandsmen (pp. 21-35)
A gallery of 42 images collected in collaboration with Editor Dale Niesen of the Facebook group “The Image Collector” and contributions by collectors, reviewed by Jeff Stockham, is focused on musicians pictured with cornets and saxhorns.

Miniature Flags and Secession Cockades: Images from the Matthew L. Oswalt M.D. Collection (pp. 36-46)
30 representative images showcase Southern soldiers and civilians. The photographs are introduced with a biographical information of Oswalt and how he became a collector of Civil War images.

Sylvester’s War: The journey of an Indiana volunteer from Tippecanoe County to Tennessee by Ronald S. Coddington (pp. 48-51)
Wagonmaker Sylvester Leaming left his family and joined the 40th Indiana Infantry. His travels as a soldier took him to numerous battlefields, including Missionary Ridge, where a wound proved mortal. This is his story.

A Father and His Sons Fighting Together: The Drown family of the 5th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery by Norman C. Delaney (pp. 52-54)
Joshua Champlin Drown, Sr., and his sons, Joshua, Jr., and Benjamin, served and survived their Civil War military experience. This is their story.

Army Life: An essay in ambrotypes and tintypes by David B. Holcomb (pp. 55-59)
The author captures the essence of the Union soldiers’ Civil War experience in eight photographs.

Green-Wood Cemetery by Jeffrey I. Richman, with images courtesy of The Green-Wood Historic Fund Collections (pp. 61-66)
A final resting place for more than 5,000 Union and Confederate veterans in Brooklyn, N.Y., the cemetery is also distinguished as one of the earliest burial grounds in the rural cemetery movement of the early 19th century. A selection of images of Civil War soldiers interred in the historic cemetery is included here.

Groundbreaking Calendar, a Q&A with Confederate Calendar creator Lawrence T. Jones III (pp. 67-70)
In 1976, Texas photography Larry Jones of Austin, Texas, produced his first calendar with Confederate photographs. Little could he have realized that he’d continue making them for years. In this exclusive interview, Larry discusses the calendars and his lifetime of collecting.

Material Culture by Ron Field (pp. 75)
In “Navy Round Jackets,” Field provides detail about the blue cloth jackets that originate with the first U.S. Navy frigate crews in 1797.

Behind the Backdrop: Origins, artistry, and photographers by Adam Ochs Fleischer (pp. 74-75)
In “The Tiger Tree Backdrop of Kalamazoo, Michigan,” Fleischer examines the distinctive painted canvas with a striped tree and military scene. This presence of this background is a clue that the soldier pictured likely served in a small number of regiments formed in the region during the Civil War.

Stragglers: Distinctive Images from MI contributors (pp. 76-78)
Included are portraits of members of Company E, 44th New York Infantry, two members of U.S. Colored Infantry regiments, Henri B. Loomis of the 56th New York Infantry, Stephen Hannas of the 11th Virginia Infantry and a group of soldiers from the 21st Wisconsin Infantry atop Lookout Mountain, Tenn.

The Last Shot (p. 80)
A sixth plate post-mortem ambrotype pictures a Union officer in death, his body carefully cleaned and dressed.

Spring Issue Table of Contents

Pleased to announce the lineup for the spring issue of Military Images magazine. The complete Table of Contents is shown here. The issue is scheduled to be printed and mailed today!


03-p1-tocEditor’s Desk
“A groundbreaking gallery” describes the selection of extraordinary portraits of Northern nurses from the Chris Foard collection—the first gallery in MI history dedicated to woman who served as caregivers. Included is this quote from Our Army Nurses by Mary A. Gardner Holland: “The privations and dangers which these noble characters endured called for a fortitude equal in many respects to the valor of the soldier.”

Mail Call
Feedback from previous issues includes the mis-identification of a bird, the re-identification of a pair of ambrotypes of a North Carolina Confederate in the Library of Congress, and the identification of a South Carolina militia company.

Passing in Review
“Images from Little Connecticut Leave a Big Impression” is a review of Heroes for All Time: Connecticut Civil War Soldiers Tell Their Stories by Dione Longley and Buck Zaidel.

Ministering Angels
A selection of images of Civil War nurses from the Chris Foard collection. “Whether motivated by patriotism, a calling or the realization that they were needed, nurses became more skilled and confident treating the wounded throughout the entire war. These men and women were the true pioneers of American nursing,” Foard explains in the introduction. Among the images of identified nurses are Annie Etheridge, Almira Fales, Helen Gilson and “Belle” Reynolds.

Mourning a Martyred President
150 years ago, Northern soldiers observed traditional Victorian fashions and rituals in the wake of the assassination of President and Commander-in-Chief Abraham Lincoln. This photo essay explores the practices through the lens of the citizen soldier.

Men of Connecticut! To Arms!!!
More than 50,000 sons of Connecticut participated in the Civil War, and one in 10 would not survive to tell their stories. Whatever their fate, many left behind their patriotic portraits. A representative sample of images compose this exclusive gallery from Heroes for All Time, a new book by Wesleyan University Press.

Faces of 1865 by Bryan Flanagan and Ronald S. Coddington
The tragic fate of two men, a Confederate in Virginia and a federal in Tennessee, at the end of the war. Lt. Charles Minnegerode, an aide to Maj. Gen. Fitzhugh Lee, was shot in the chest and left for dead at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865. Lt. Jacob Skirvin of the 7th Indiana Cavalry and a detail of 30 of his comrades got caught in a fierce fight after they were ambushed by Confederate guerillas in Tennessee on April 3, 1865.

The Honored Few
Pvt. Charles A. Taggart of the 37th Massachusetts Infantry wrested a flag away from a Confederate soldier during the Battle of Sailor’s Creek, Va., on April 6, 1865. He was one of 57 men awarded the Medal of Honor for actions that day—47 of which were presented for the capture of enemy flags.

Hard Luck Regiment by Mark H. Dunkelman
The 154th New York Infantry was nicknamed the Hardtack Regiment. But justifiably, it could also have been called the Hard Luck Regiment. Perhaps its best known soldier, Sgt. Amos Humiston, became famous when he was identified by means of an ambrotype found in his lifeless hand at the Battle of Gettysburg. A history of the regiment told through the stories of five of its members.

Antebellum Warriors
A shako with a large red and white fountain plume and the brass crossed cannon insignia indicate that the soldier sitting next to it was an artillery militiaman who sat for his daguerreotype between 1854-1860.

Included in this selection of images from MI subscribers are two Confederate images by influential photographers: A Confederate navy officer by Charles R. Rees of Richmond, Va., and an infantryman holding his Enfield rifle by George S. Cook of Charleston, S.C.

Photo Sleuth by Kurt Luther
“Confirmation bias, in which we get fixated on a single, preferred confusion—trust me, it’s a young Robert E. Lee!—leads us to disregard any evidence to the contrary, no matter how compelling,” writes columnist Kurt Luther. He goes on to discuss, using a recent experience of his own, how to blaze a path from confirmation bias to airtight identification.

Uniforms & History by Michael J. McAfee
Chevrons are chevrons, right? Not exactly. Mike McAfee shares a sampling of images showing soldiers wearing chevrons of a different stripe. Despite regulations, a surprising number of variations are documented in the visual record of non-commissioned officer portraits from the Civil War period.

The Last Shot
A quarter-plate ruby ambrotype of Christian Funk and three pals prior to his enlistment in Company H of the 210th Pennsylvania Infantry.

Coming Up in the Winter 2014 Issue of MI

mi-cover-winter-2014Pleased to present the Table of Contents for the Winter 2014 issue of Military Images. Inside you’ll find rare and unpublished portraits of North Carolina Confederates, enlisted men from Company G of the 25th U.S. Colored Infantry, and more! Here’s a list of features and columns (pictured here is the cover from the David W. Vaughan collection):

“Tar Heels: A Survey of North Carolinians in the Confederate Army,” by Greg Mast. An MI exclusive preview of images from Greg’s forthcoming book, a long awaited follow-up to his first volume on North Carolina soldiers published two decades ago.

“Gallery: ‘God Bless Gallant Old North Carolina,’ is a collection of identified images from the Liljenquist Family collection at the Library of Congress.

“An Album of Faces of the 25th USCT,” by Shayne Davidson, features 18 never-before-published photographs of African Americans who served in Company G of the regiment, and their white captain.

“An Irish-American Civil War Veteran Engages in a Showdown with the Sioux,” by longtime MI Contributing Editor Scott Valentine traces the military career of Ferdinand Edwin DeCourcy of Ballylongford, County Kerry, Ireland, from Civil War officer to frontier fighter.

“A Portrait of Lee We Were Not Supposed to See,” by Don Hopkins, sheds light on a series of post-war portraits of the General.

“Four Decades on the High Seas: Boastwain William Long, and Englishman in the U.S. Navy,” by Ron Field, MI Contributing Editor and author of Bluejackets, chronicles the career of a sailor who served on the fames “San Jacinto” and a number of other vessels during his time in uniform.

“Passing in Review,” MI’s book review, examines  by Shannon Pritchard and Shane Kisner.

Mike McAfee’s “Uniforms & History” column traces the origins of the Union enlisted man’s frock coat, and examines how Civil War soldiers adopted it to suit their style.

“Stragglers,” a collection of images submitted by the MI audience, includes images from the Civil War and the Spanish-American War.

“The Last Shot,” the images that traditionally appears on the last page of the issue, is a previously unpublished ambrotype of a 15-year-old Confederate from North Carolina.