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The Autumn 2024 Issue

A complete table of contents for the Autumn 2024 issue of Military Images magazine, and information about how to purchase single issues and subscriptions.

Vol. XLIII, No. 4
(80 pages)

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A sixth-plate tintype from the Claudia and Al Niemiec Collection pictures two soldiers from the U.S. Colored Troops (USCT) at Benton Barracks in St. Louis. 

Table of Contents (p. 1)

Editor’s Desk (p. 2)
After a quarter century of subscription costs remaining the same, the rate for a single year will change from $24.95 to $30 effective Jan. 1, 2025.

Mail Call (pp. 3-4)
Feedback includes an observation about uniform coats buttoned on the opposite side, praise for columnist Phil Spaugy, praise for theory about the iconic image of three Confederate prisoners after Gettysburg, and more.

Military Anthropologist (p. 4)
A breakdown of about 2.1 million soldiers contributed by each state and territory to the U.S. Army during the Civil War as a percent of the 1860 U.S. Census population figures.

Passing in Review (p. 6)
Book review of The Atlanta Campaign, 1864,(Casemate Publishers) by David A. Powell.

Photo Sleuth by Kurt Luther (pp. 8-11)
Exploring the search for Civil War soldier photos from the Battles of First and Second Manassas, uncovering portraits and expanding collections for museums.

Antebellum Warriors (p. 12)
This unidentified soldier wears the antebellum uniform of the 6th Massachusetts Infantry, which gained national attention in 1861 during the Baltimore riot.

Most Hallowed Ground (p. 14)
General John A. Rawlins, Ulysses S. Grant’s chief-of-staff, died in 1869. Grant missed being at his deathbed by an hour. Rawlins rests in Arlington Cemetery.

The Honored Few (p. 16)
Jenny Langbein, a drummer boy in Hawkins’ Zouaves during the Civil War, bravely saved his comrade at the Battle of Camden, earning a Medal of Honor and becoming a New York lawyer.

The Citizenry by Elizabeth A. Topping (pp. 18-19)
Calisthenics, introduced in the 1830s, revolutionized fitness for women with light exercises and gymnastic routines, promoting health, grace, and preparing women for motherhood.

Of Arms and Men by Phil Spaugy (pp. 22-25)
The First Model Maynard Carbines carried by the Bolivar Troop of Mississippi during the early part of the Civil War proved formidable, almost mythical, weapons.

The Black Phalanx at Benton Barracks: Transforming men of color into U.S. soldiers, late 1863 to early 1864 by Ronald S. Coddington (pp. 28-31)
African American soldiers of the United States Colored Troops (USCT) at Benton Barracks in St. Louis endured prejudice and hardship before becoming distinguished U.S. Army men.

JEB: A portrait taken in Hagerstown captures Stuart during the withdrawal following Gettysburg by Phil McCoy (pp. 32–40)
During the retreat after the Battle of Gettysburg, JEB Stuart posed for this portrait in the Hagerstown, Maryland, gallery of photographer Elias M. Recher.

Back to Libby: In 1864, Capt. Matt Boyd successfully made the Great Escape from Libby Prison. In 1889, he returned to deal with his demons. by Ronald S. Coddington (pp. 42-52)
Boyd, a captain in the 73rd Indiana Infantry surrendered at the abrupt end of Streight’s Raid, returned to Libby Prison as a guard when the building was moved to Chicago and opened as a museum.

Forever Peace: A former Confederate gives a miniature of the Appomattox surrender table to Ulysses S. Grant by Ronald S. Coddington (pp. 54-58)
Ulysses S. Grant received a hero’s welcome in Philadelphia in 1879, featuring a grand parade and the presentation of a gold miniature table symbolizing peace after the Civil War.

Artisans of Ames: An antebellum portrait of the people behind the prominent Civil War arms manufacturer by Ron Maness(pp. 60-63)
Ames Manufacturing Company artisans, known for producing military arms, gathered circa 1850 in Chicopee, Mass., posing with cannons, swords, and silverware near their factory.

Material Culture by Bill Thompson (pp. 66-67)
Robert S. Capen of the 1st and 4th Massachusetts cavalries carried this Colt Model 1860 revolver during the Civil War, and a photograph of his wife and son.

Women of War by Melissa A. Winn (pp. 68-70) 
Dr. Mary Edwards Walker, the only woman to receive the Medal of Honor, was a pioneering Civil War surgeon, women’s rights advocate, and a champion of dress reform.

Behind the Backdrop by Adam Ochs Fleischer (pp. 72-73)
The Moore brothers’ Hartford, Conn., studio produced high-quality Civil War portraits with a unique military backdrop, blending photography and fine art.

Vignette: Episodes of the Civil War by Scott Valentine (p. 74)
William Estes Hacker of the 3rd Maryland Infantry, wounded at Antietam in 1862, never fully recovered. He died of typhoid fever in 1863 and is buried in Philadelphia’s Laurel Hill Cemetery.

Stragglers (pp. 76-77)
Union soldier images contributed by Military Images magazine subscribers include men from the 43rd Wisconsin and 12th Connecticut infantries, and others.

The Last Shot (p. 80)
Two political cartoons depict Lincoln’s decisive 1864 election victory over McClellan, highlighting the Union’s support during the Civil War.

Autumn 2024 Issue Highlights

The feature stories and columns you’ll find in our Autumn 2024 issue. Pick up a copy or a subscription in our store.

New Column: “Of Arms and Men” by Phil Spaugy

I am thrilled to welcome Phil Spaugy as a Senior Editor and columnist. His inaugural column, “Of Arms and Men: At the intersection of photography and ordnance technology,” debuts in this issue. I’ve known Phil for some years now, and he’s the trusted source I’ve turned to time and again to identify long and side arms in photographs. His knowledge, enthusiasm, and collaborative spirit are infectious. A longtime member of the North-South Skirmish Association (N-SSA), Phil has served in numerous offices, including National Commander and the Board of Directors. He has also been active with the N-SSA’s Union Guards, 19th Indiana Infantry. Phil studies arms and accouterments of federal infantry soldiers with an emphasis on his home state of Ohio, firearms of the U.S Arsenal at Harpers Ferry, and the Iron Brigade.

Phil’s inaugural column, “The Invincible Buckeyes of the 4th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry,” explores a sixth-plate tintype in the Paul Reeder Collection of an unidentified trooper. Phil details the weapons in the portrait and, thanks to a newspaper clipping tucked into the case, connects the image to Huntsville, Ala., where this image may have been taken.

Please join me in welcoming Phil and “Of Arms and Men” to MI.

The Spring 2024 issue

A complete table of contents for the Spring 2024 issue of Military Images magazine, and information about how to purchase single issues and subscriptions.

Vol. XLIII, No. 2
(80 pages)

Print edition: Visit our store to check availability
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Cover image
An ambrotype from the Liljenquist Family Collection at the Library of Congress features an unidentified Maryland Confederate.

Table of Contents (p. 1)

Editor’s Desk (p. 2)
Introducing a new column, Women of War by Melissa A. Winn, and a new stop (York, Pa.) for our traveling exhibit.

Mail Call (pp. 3-4)
Feedback includes more about Herb Peck Jr.’s stolen collection and praise for the magazine.

Military Anthropologist (p. 4)
When Did We Start Calling It the Civil War? A survey of names for the conflict between 1861 and 1865 on reveals nomenclature changes over time.

Passing in Review (p. 6)
In Dear Uncles: The Civil War Letters of Arthur McKinstry, a Soldier in the Excelsior Brigade, Rick Barram tells the story of a young reporter-soldier.

Photo Sleuth by Kurt Luther (pp. 8-10)
Sharon Karam posted a question on the Facebook page Civil War Faces about an unnamed cadet photo, which led to a connection to the early days of Virginia Tech.

Antebellum Warriors (p. 12)
Scottish immigrants to the U.S. in the 19th century brought a rich military tradition, as evidenced by the uniform in this circa 1859 portrait of a militiaman.

Most Hallowed Ground (p. 16)
U.S. Army 1st Lt. Rufus Saxton nearly lost his life as he marched captured pro-secession militia through St. Louis. He went on to become a respected general.

The Honored Few (p. 18)
Major General Manning Ferguson Force called for a flag of truce to rally Union troops at the Battle of Atlanta. He got a truce flag instead. He was not happy.

The Citizenry (p. 20)
A circa 1871 photograph of a member of the Ku Klux Klan captured by U.S. law enforcement in Tishomingo County, Mississippi. The men turned state’s evidence.

Divided Maryland: Portraits and stories from the Jonathan Beasley Collection (pp. 23-41)
Representative portraits of the 60,000 Union and 25,000 Confederate soldiers and sailors who served in the U.S. and C.S. military forces during the Civil War.

King’s Knight to King 7 by Ron Maness (pp. 44–51)
Investigating connections between Confederate agent Caleb Huse in Europe, President Jefferson Davis and the James T. Ames Company during the Civil War.

Origins of Invalid Detachments and Invalid Corps by Bret Schweinfurth (pp. 53-55)
A series of War Department general orders issued between March and June 1863 trace the evolution of Invalid Detachments and the Invalid Corps.

Brooklyn Honors Its Boys In Blue: A history of the Brooklyn Service Medal by Richard Leisenring Jr. (pp. 56-60)
Brooklyn, New York, Mayor Alfred M. Wood championed one of the nation’s first service medals for Civil War veterans. The soldiers received the honor in 1866.

For the Sporting Man: A concise history of mail order erotica in the Civil War by Elizabeth A. Topping(pp. 62-65)
Mail order erotica tripled during the Civil War. In 1865 the government passed laws to seize and destroy pornographic photos and other images deemed obscene.

Material Culture by Ron Field (pp. 68-69)
The uniform of the First Light Infantry of Providence, R.I., dates to organization’s 1818 founding. Author Ron Field examines the dress and fatigue uniforms.

Behind the Backdrop by Adam Ochs Fleischer (p. 70)
The Caribbean Plantation Backdrop by Henry G. Pearce of Providence, R.I., features a unique scene that is open to thought-provoking interpretations.

Women of War by Melissa A. Winn (pp. 72-73) 
Civil War vivandière Marie Tepe, known as “French Mary,” suffered a wound at the Battle of Fredericksburg and received the Kearney Cross for Chancellorsville.

Vignette: Episodes of the Civil War by Scott Valentine (p. 74)
Captain George Emerson of the 67th Ohio Infantry suffered wounds at Fort Wagner in 1863 and Bermuda Hundred in 1864. The second proved mortal.

Stragglers (p. 76)
Confederate veteran and artist Allen Christian Redwood of the 1st Maryland Cavalry saw much of the Civil War, as reflected in his postwar illustrations.

The Last Shot (p. 80)
A carte de visite of a Veteran Reserve Corps first lieutenant covering the lower part of his face with a book.

New Column: Women of War by Melissa A. Winn

I am delighted to announce the debut of a new column: Women of War. It explores the life and service of women who served on the battlefield and homefront with patriotism and dedication equal to their male counterparts.

Taking on this mission is Melissa A. Winn. I’m thrilled to welcome her as a Senior Editor. Many of you are sure to recognize Melissa’s name from her career as a photographer and writer for Civil War Times, America’s Civil War, American History, and other publications. Nowadays, Melissa serves as the marketing manager for American Battlefield Trust, which does so much to preserve hallowed ground across the country. You might not know that Melissa collects Civil War photographs and ephemera with an emphasis on Dead Letter Office images and Maj. Gen. John A. Rawlins. Her passion for the Civil War and photography fuels her writing and research.

Melissa’s inaugural column features a woman who looms large in the telling of the Civil War: Marie “French Mary” Tepe, the vivandière of the 27th and 114th Pennsylvania infantries. Winn observes, “While 19th century social conventions constrained many American women to the homefront or hospitals during the Civil War, French immigrant Marie Tepe would not be obliged. Her feisty spirit drew her to the front lines from its start.” You can read the full column, “Daughter of the Regiment,” here.

Please join me in welcoming Melissa to our team, and Women of War to MI.

Finding Aid: Autumn 2021

A complete table of contents for the Autumn 2021 issue of Military Images magazine, and information about how to purchase single issues and subscriptions.

Vol. XXXIX, No. 4
(80 pages)

Print edition: Visit our store to check availability
Digital edition: Visit to purchase
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Cover image
A sixth-plate tintype from the Dan Schwab Collection pictures a U.S. Colored Infantryman.

Table of Contents (p. 1)

Editor’s Desk (p. 2)
In “A Word About Mail Delivery,” the editor shares details about the history of the U.S. Post Office’s periodicals rate.

Mail Call (pp. 3-4)
Feedback includes praise for the gallery of buglers, a memorial to Trevor Boeve, a journey to recognize the grave of a Civil War veteran, and notes on fluted Colt Revolvers and Maynard Carbines.

Military Anthropologist (p. 4)
A breakdown of Medals of Honor awarded to Union army soldiers, by rank.

Passing in Review (p. 6)
Two books are reviewed: Colonel Mobley: The 7th Maryland Infantry in the Civil War by Justin T. Mayhew (self-published) and Military Prisons of the Civil War: A Comparative Study by David L. Keller (Westholme Publishing).

Photo Sleuth by Kurt Luther (pp. 8-10)
In “Civil War Photo Sleuth Goes Social,” Luther provides information about several new features that focus on collaboration and community.

Antebellum Warriors (p. 12)
A sixth plate daguerreotype features a soldier dressed in a uniform with hints of militia and regular army from the Mexican War to early 1850s era.

Most Hallowed Ground (p. 14)
Pvt. Oliver Gardner of the 3rd Michigan Infantry survived a wound at the Battle of Gettysburg but succumbed to injuries sustained during the Battle of The Wilderness. He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

The Honored Few (p. 16)
Maj. John Curtis Gilmore of the 16th New York Infantry put himself in harm’s way during the Battle of Salem Church when he grabbed the colors and rallied the men. His actions resulted in the Medal of Honor.

The Citizenry by Ross J. Kelbaugh (p. 18)
In “Free at Last,” the origins of a carte de visite of Freedmen on the grounds of a home is traced to Louisiana and the Baton Rouge studio of photographers McPherson and Oliver.

Bandsmen (pp. 21-35)
A gallery of 42 images collected in collaboration with Editor Dale Niesen of the Facebook group “The Image Collector” and contributions by collectors, reviewed by Jeff Stockham, is focused on musicians pictured with cornets and saxhorns.

Miniature Flags and Secession Cockades: Images from the Matthew L. Oswalt M.D. Collection (pp. 36-46)
30 representative images showcase Southern soldiers and civilians. The photographs are introduced with a biographical information of Oswalt and how he became a collector of Civil War images.

Sylvester’s War: The journey of an Indiana volunteer from Tippecanoe County to Tennessee by Ronald S. Coddington (pp. 48-51)
Wagonmaker Sylvester Leaming left his family and joined the 40th Indiana Infantry. His travels as a soldier took him to numerous battlefields, including Missionary Ridge, where a wound proved mortal. This is his story.

A Father and His Sons Fighting Together: The Drown family of the 5th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery by Norman C. Delaney (pp. 52-54)
Joshua Champlin Drown, Sr., and his sons, Joshua, Jr., and Benjamin, served and survived their Civil War military experience. This is their story.

Army Life: An essay in ambrotypes and tintypes by David B. Holcomb (pp. 55-59)
The author captures the essence of the Union soldiers’ Civil War experience in eight photographs.

Green-Wood Cemetery by Jeffrey I. Richman, with images courtesy of The Green-Wood Historic Fund Collections (pp. 61-66)
A final resting place for more than 5,000 Union and Confederate veterans in Brooklyn, N.Y., the cemetery is also distinguished as one of the earliest burial grounds in the rural cemetery movement of the early 19th century. A selection of images of Civil War soldiers interred in the historic cemetery is included here.

Groundbreaking Calendar, a Q&A with Confederate Calendar creator Lawrence T. Jones III (pp. 67-70)
In 1976, Texas photography Larry Jones of Austin, Texas, produced his first calendar with Confederate photographs. Little could he have realized that he’d continue making them for years. In this exclusive interview, Larry discusses the calendars and his lifetime of collecting.

Material Culture by Ron Field (pp. 75)
In “Navy Round Jackets,” Field provides detail about the blue cloth jackets that originate with the first U.S. Navy frigate crews in 1797.

Behind the Backdrop: Origins, artistry, and photographers by Adam Ochs Fleischer (pp. 74-75)
In “The Tiger Tree Backdrop of Kalamazoo, Michigan,” Fleischer examines the distinctive painted canvas with a striped tree and military scene. This presence of this background is a clue that the soldier pictured likely served in a small number of regiments formed in the region during the Civil War.

Stragglers: Distinctive Images from MI contributors (pp. 76-78)
Included are portraits of members of Company E, 44th New York Infantry, two members of U.S. Colored Infantry regiments, Henri B. Loomis of the 56th New York Infantry, Stephen Hannas of the 11th Virginia Infantry and a group of soldiers from the 21st Wisconsin Infantry atop Lookout Mountain, Tenn.

The Last Shot (p. 80)
A sixth plate post-mortem ambrotype pictures a Union officer in death, his body carefully cleaned and dressed.

Finding Aid: Summer 2020

The complete issue

Vol. XXXVIII, No. 3
(80 pages)

Print edition: Visit our store to check availability
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Cover image
A quarter-plate ambrotype from the Dan Schwab Collection pictures Newton J. Ragon of the 13th Mississippi Infantry.

Table of Contents (p. 1)

Editor’s Desk (p. 2)
The editor dedicates his column to “Publishing in a Pandemic.”

Mail Call (pp. 3-4)
Feedback includes comments about the loss of historical context when mats and cases are replaced on hard-plate images, details about Col. John R. Hart’s 6th Georgia Cavalry, and inherent problems with colorization.

Military Anthropologist (p. 4)
Visualizing Edward and Henry T. Anthony’s November 1862 Catalogue of Card Photographs as a pie chart.

Passing in Review (p. 6)
MI Senior Editor Ron Field reviews American Zouaves, 1859-1959: An Illustrated History (McFarland & Company, Inc.) by Daniel J. Miller.

Photo Sleuth by Kurt Luther (pp. 8-10)
In “How to Trust the Worthiness of an Identification,” Luther reveals the results of a survey of collectors to gauge various forms of image identification. He grouped the data into three categories, high-, medium-, and low-touch sources. Period inscriptions on the photograph with validation scored highest, and images identified only with military records and other textual documents scored lowest.

Antebellum Warriors (p. 12)
A quarter-plate daguerreotype of John Reynolds by renowned photographer Jeremiah Gurney may have been a portrait promised to his sister, Ellie, in an 1858 letter.

The Honored Few (p. 14)
Christopher C. Bruton of the 22nd New York Cavalry told the story of his capture of the headquarters flag of Confederate Lt. Gen. Jubal Early to a group gathered at the War Department in Washington, D.C., in March 1865. Among those present were Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton and Libby Custer, the wife of the general in whose division Bruton served. A son of Ireland, Bruton received the nation’s highest military honor for his act.

Most Hallowed Ground (p. 16)
William Henry Gobrecht, surgeon of the 49th Pennsylvania Infantry, enjoyed high name recognition among health care workers. In 1858, his American edition of the textbook Wilson’s Anatomy become the standard text for doctors. His postwar career brought him to Washington, D.C. for a job at the Pension Bureau. Upon his death in 1901, his remains were interred in Arlington National Cemetery.

The Citizenry by Alison Renner (p. 18)
A tintype, believed to be previously unpublished, features Lavinia Ellen “Vinnie” Ream, the sculptor who rose in prominence during the Civil War. Her best known works are of Abraham Lincoln—an 1864 bust for which he sat, and an 1871 statue that stands in the U.S. Capitol rotunda.

Fakes, Forgeries and Frauds by Perry M. Frohne (pp. 22-23)
In “Rembrandt You Are Not, Sir!,” Frohne details how fakers use paint to transform ambrotypes and tintypes of civilians into soldiers and sailors.

Three Days in July: Faces of Union and Confederate Soldiers at the Battle of Gettysburg, edited by Charles Joyce (pp. 24-39)
A collection of more than two dozen ambrotypes, cartes de visite, and tintypes of Union and Confederate soldiers at the Battle of Gettysburg, each accompanied by the story of each man’s experience during the fight. Among those included are 1st Lt. Robert C. Knaggs of the 7th Michigan Infantry, Pvt. Clark Stevens of the 2nd New Hampshire Infantry, Pvt. Hiram Gilbert of 76th New York Infantry, Lt. Col. Theobold Alexander Von Mitzel of the 74th Pennsylvania Infantry, Pvt. David “Davy” Barnum of the 5th Alabama Infantry, Capt. James Washington Beck of the 44th Georgia Infantry, Lt. Col. Wharton Jackson “Jack” Green of Tennessee and more. Contributions of images and text included Rick Carlile, Ronald S. Coddington, Guy DiMasi, Thomas Harris, Tom Huntington, Britt C. Isenberg, Ross J. Kelbaugh, Jeff Kowalis, C. Paul Loane, August Marchetti, Paul Russinoff, Dan Schwab, Karl Sundstrom and Daniel Taylor.

America’s “Good Death”: Capt. Charles W. Billings of the 20th Maine Infantry at Little Round Top by Paul Russinoff (pp. 40-45)
Capt. Charles W. Billings of the 20th Maine Infantry suffered a mortal wound at Little Round Top. Russinoff brings together primary sources and artifacts for the first time to tell Billings’ story, which underscores historian Drew Gilpin-Faust’s concept of “The Good Death.”

A Romance Fueled by Photographs: At Gettysburg, an Iron Brigade Bandsman and a former tavern keeper’s daughter find love and likeness by Charles Joyce (pp. 46-49)
The Adams County Courthouse in downtown Gettysburg became a scene of death and dying during the fighting as the recently constructed building became a makeshift hospital. It also provided the backdrop for love between Susie Herr, the daughter of a former tavern keeper, and German immigrant Jacob F. Gundrum, a musician in the band of the famed Iron Brigade. This is their story.

The Likeness and Legacy of The Children: A history, study and survey of an iconic Civil War image by Mark H. Dunkelman and Richard Leisenring, Jr. (pp. 50-53)
The death of Amos Humiston of the 154th New York Infantry at Gettysburg and the ambrotype of his three children clutched in his hands is one of the best-known stories of the Civil War. Historian Dunkelman, who has written extensively about Humiston and the 154th, and MI Contributing Editor Leisenring team up to examine surviving images of “The Children of The Battle-Field.”

Old Abe and the Army of the American Eagle by Richard Leisenring, Jr. (pp. 54-57)
Chicago printer Alfred L. Sewell devised a novel fundraiser to support the Union army: Selling carte de visite sized portraits of Old Abe, the famed Eagle mascot of the 8th Wisconsin Infantry. Sewell targeted kids, who purchased tens of thousands of the images under the auspices of the U.S. Sanitary Commission. Children earned commissions in Old Abe’s army, and a small number received Medals of Honor for the number of images purchased.

Before Movies, Americans Viewed the Civil War Through the Magic Lantern by Robert Marcus (pp. 58-61)
During the years following the Civil War, American audiences packed venues across the country to experience the late conflict through glass plates projected on a big screen—the precursor to motion pictures.

The Last Parade: Cameras captured the pomp and circumstance in New York City on July 4, 1860. Nine months later, the Civil War began by Ron Field (pp. 63-66)
Photographer Edward Anthony and his assistants set up stereoscopic cameras at two locations to capture the city’s militia marching along the Independence Day parade route. Field details the regiments pictured in nine surviving stereo cards.

Mariner. Teamster. Refugee. Surgeon’s Steward. The life and naval service of William Tyler Cross by Jack Hurov (pp. 68-70)
William Tyler Cross became an unlikely pawn in game of political brinkmanship between the U.S. and Mexico in 1862. He managed to return safely and went on to serve in one of the Navy’s most underappreciated positions—surgeon’s steward. The role was similar to its counterpart in the army, the hospital steward.

Journey to Lynchburg: William Hawkins of the 15th New York Cavalry in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley by James Crane III (pp. 72-74)
Hawkins suffered a gunshot in the head and instant death during an action in the Diamond Hill neighborhood of Lynchburg, Va., on June 17, 1864. He had been in uniform for less than a year. A farmer, he left behind a widowed wife and three orphaned children—and two photographs in civilian clothes and a military uniform.

Stragglers: Distinctive Images from MI contributors (p. 75)
Included are portraits of two revolver-packing Union troopers, a Bluejacket, and a teamster taken in Corinth, Miss.

Behind the Backdrop: Origins, artistry and photographers by Adam Ochs Fleischer (pp. 78-79)
In “Wartime Letters Document the 2nd Cavalry Division Backdrop,” Fleischer examines the distinctive painted canvas with tents, a guard and hills with forts.

The Last Shot (p. 80)
A cabinet card from the Robert Elliott Collection pictures a painting of Col. Harry Burgwyn of the 26th North Carolina Infantry, who suffered a mortal wound in a charge against elements of the Iron Brigade on July 1, 1863. The photograph was presented to the officer who succeeded Burgwyn in command, Lt. Col. John R. Lane.

Finding Aid: Spring 2020

The complete issue

Vol. XXXVIII, No. 2
(80 pages)

Print edition: Visit our store to check availability
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Cover image
A half-plate ambrotype from the David W. Vaughan Collection pictures William Houston House of the 13th Georgia Cavalry.

Table of Contents (p. 1)

Editor’s Desk (p. 2)
The editor introduces two new departments, Behind the Backdrop by Adam Ochs Fleischer and Material Culture, which is guest hosted. The editor also notes a modification in policy regarding colorized images, which will be allowed for educational purposes. Such images reproduced in the magazine will be accompanied by the un-colorized image.

Mail Call (pp. 3-4)
Feedback includes comments on Fakes, Forgeries and Frauds,and a note regarding a misidentified epaulette.

Military Anthropologist (p. 4)
A tree map diagram visualizes enlistments in the Union and Confederate armies.

Passing in Review (pp. 6-8)
Featured media includes The 16th Michigan Infantry in the Civil War (Michigan State University Press) by Kim Crawford, 100 Significant Civil War Photographs: Atlanta Campaign (Historical Publications LLC), and the movie short Hold My Horse (Look Around You Ventures, LLC) starring Christian Stolte and Patrick Webb.

Photo Sleuth by Kurt Luther (pp. 8-13)
In “Lost and Found in the Library of Congress,” Luther details his journey that began with a questionable caption on a single glass plate negative and ended with an extensive examination of captions attached to 16 negatives—11 of which he found proved incorrect or unclear.

Antebellum Warriors (p. 14)
A sixth-plate ambrotype discovered in Florence, S.C., pictures a militiaman. He may have been a member of the Darlington Rifles, a local militia company.

The Honored Few (p. 16)
Willie Johnston, an 11-year-old drummer in the 3rd Vermont Infantry, managed to hold on to his instrument during the desperate march from the Malvern Hill battlefield to Harrison’s Landing. On July 4, 1862, after Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan ordered a review to boost morale, only Johnston had a drum to play. Other musicians had either discarded their drums during the march or put them in temporary storage aboard baggage wagons. Word of Willie’s lone performance made its way to Washington, D.C., and resulted in his receipt of the nation’s highest military honor.

Most Hallowed Ground (p. 18)
Navy Rear Adm. Richard Worsam Meade was an irascible man, a trait he shared in common with his famous uncle, Maj. Gen. George Gordon Meade. Rear Adm. Meade’s temper got the best of him late in his career when he insulted President and Commander-in-Chief Grover Cleveland. The incident ended with Meade’s dismissal from the Navy. He is buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

The Citizenry by Alison Renner (p. 20)
Four-year-old Major Willie Bagley, “The Wisconsin Infant Drummer,” enjoyed a brief stint in the spotlight as a performer for P.T. Barnum. The legendary Barnum posted with Bagley to mark the association.

Fakes, Forgeries and Frauds by Perry M. Frohne (pp. 22-23)
In “The Weaponization of Technology and Psychology,” Frohne details how today’s forgers  “are far smarter, have far better technology, and are very close to producing perfect fake cartes de visite.” He illustrates the column with two cartes that fooled him.

Georgians in Gray: Images from the David W. Vaughan Collection, with text by August Marchetti (pp. 24-35)
More than 15 years ago, a gallery of David W. Vaughan’s portraits of Georgia Confederates debuted in this magazine. Since then, the collection has been recognized across the country, including the landmark 2013 exhibit Photography and the American Civil War at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. Vaughan has continued to add to his collection. This gallery highlights recent acquisitions.

Commemorating Uncle Billy’s 200th Birthday in Portraits, with images from the Jerry Everts Collection (pp. 36-45)
William Tecumseh Sherman is front center in 25 portraits that document his rise from major general in 1863 to General of the Army to his retirement.

Chivalrous Legacy: The story behind Tunis A.M. Craven’s last recorded words at Mobile Bay by Ronald S. Coddington (pp. 46-48)
The Battle of Mobile Bay is known for two distinct human moments connected to torpedoes: Rear Adm. David Farragut’s utterance paraphrased as “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead,” and Cmdr. Tunis Augustus Macdonough Craven’s words as his ironclad Tecumseh sank, “After you, sir.” This story puts Craven’s words in context, and is illustrated with four portraits of him.

Antebellum Midshipmen: A survey of Navy portraits with images from the Dr. William Schultz Collection (pp. 50-54)
Fourth in a series of galleries of pre-Civil War daguerreotypes from the Schultz collection, this survey examines nine portraits. They include an early view of a midshipman by pioneer photographer John Plumbe, John “Jack” Wilkes, Jr., the son of career naval officer Charles Wilkes, and John Gardner Mitchell, for whom Mitchell Bay in Alaska is named.

A Merchant Prince Goes to War: Baltimore’s Lt. Noah Dixon Walker, C.S.A. by Ronald S. Coddington with Ross J. Kelbaugh (pp. 56-60)
Noah Dixon Walker received an offer of $200,000 ($6 million in today’s dollars) not to enlist in the Confederate army. The man who made the offer was his father, wealthy Baltimore merchant Noah Walker. His son passed on the offer to become an officer in the 44th Virginia Infantry. This is his story.

Accidental American, Soldier, Artist, Photographer: The notable journey of Civil War veteran William Kurtz by Scott Valentine (pp. 62-65)
After fate dashed his dream to start a new life in China, Germany’s William Kurtz found himself stranded on the shores of the U.S. with little money and prospects. He managed to find a job in a New York City photographer’s studio, and it launched him on a prosperous high-profile career.

Inside “The Empty Sleeve” by James S. Brust (pp. 66-67)
Maj. Gen. Oliver O. Howard is perhaps best remembered for his post-Civil War roles with the Freedman’s Bureau and the establishment of Howard University in Washington, D.C. Far less known is a speech he gave in Maine soon after the amputation of his arm after it was severely damaged during the 1862 Battle of Fair Oaks, Va. Howard’s words inspired poet David Barker’s “The Empty Sleeve,” which holds a unique place in American popular culture.

Seamless Sharpshooters: How a revolutionary breakthrough in garment design proved undesirable in war by Brian T. White (pp. 68-70)
Seamless overcoats proved the rage in the late 1850s, thanks to innovative efforts to manipulate wool into form-fitting clothing. Among those who took advantage of the latest technology was Col. Hiram Berdan, the engineer, inventor and crack marksman who raised two regiments of sharpshooters for the Union army. His men received seamless overcoats as part of their standard issue uniform.

Behind the Backdrop: Origins, artistry and photographers by Adam Ochs Fleischer (pp. 72-75)
In his inaugural column, “A Daguerreian Pioneer at the Rendezvous of Distribution,” Fleischer examines the distinctive painted canvas depicting a scene that includes Sibley tents and a palm tree. His investigations highlight the man behind the backdrop, John Jones, and the gallery he operated.

Material Culture by Frederick C. Gaede (pp. 76-77)
In this inaugural column, guest author Gaede investigates leather neck stocks from 1851-1865. Though they are long gone from the military, they live on in the Marine moniker “Leatherneck.”

Stragglers: Distinctive Images from MI contributors (p. 79)
Included are three portraits of Union soldiers, including a Zouave who served in the 9th New York Infantry from the Anthony F. Gero Collection.

The Last Shot (p. 80)
A sixth-plate tintype from the Paul Russinoff Collection pictures a man reading a newspaper. He is dressed in shirtsleeves and what appears to be a military vest.

Traveling Exhibit: Fighting for Freedom

Museum-quality prints of 22 Images of African American Civil War soldiers pictured in a gallery published in last summer’s issue of MI and elsewhere were displayed in our first-ever traveling exhibit. The first stop for this unique group was the last stop for slaves fleeing to freedom along the Underground Railroad to Canada—the Hubbard House in Ashtabula, Ohio. Located along Lake Erie is northeast Ohio, the town marked the opening of the exhibit with a two-day event last weekend. Music, dramatic readings, a visit from Buffalo Soldiers bikers, and of course the portraits, each with a caption that tells the soldier’s story. Many thanks to all the collectors who shared their images for this event. They include Kevin Canberg, Greg French, Chuck Joyce, Paul Loane, Steve Meadow and Paul Russinoff.

Special thanks to Lisa Burroughs, who played a leading role in conceiving and organizing the event, the staff and volunteers of the Hubbard House, and the city of Ashtabula for turning out to see these powerful photographs that are such an important part of our nation’s story.

Read coverage from the Ashtabula Star Beacon.

Images from the exhibit will be on display for the next year.


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