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Finding Aid: July/August 1999

The complete issue

Vol. XXI, No. 1
(48 pages)

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Cover image
A sixth-plate ambrotype from the Dean Sprowl Collection is an intense young man with a double-barrel shotgun, double-guard saber, Sheffield-style knife and a Colt pistol.

Editor’s Desk (p. 3)
The editor notes the opening of a research library at Fort Riley, Kan., a new policy that allows digital images to be accepted for publication in the magazine, plans for New York and Indian War issues and more.

Mail Call (pp. 5-7)
Letters include the identification of the real Lt. Rogers, Gardner’s Antietam photos, Illinois Prussians, Fort Delaware, a humorous take on the May/June cover photograph and more.

Passing in Review (pp. 8-9)
Three publications are mentioned, Letters to Amanda: The Civil War Letters of Marion Hill Fitzpatrick, Army of Northern Virginia (Mercer University Press) edited by Jeffrey Lowe and Sam Hodges, Strike the Blow for Freedom, the 6th United States Colored Infantry in the Civil War (White Mane Publishing) by James M. Paradis and Fort Robinson and the American West 1874-1899 (Nebraska State Historical Society) by Thomas R. Buecker.

“There Has Been a Serious Disturbance at Charleston…” The 54th Illinois vs. the Copperheads by Richard K. Tibbals (pp. 10-16)
The battle that cost the lives of nine soldiers and left another dozen wounded occurred on March 28, 1864, in the soldiers’ hometown of Charleston, Ill. The author tells the story of this battle and provides background information on its key players. The narrative is illustrated with the regiment’s colonel, Greenville Mitchell, privates Henry York and Stephen Monroe. And Surg. Shubal York. Also included is an 1864 of the Coles County Courthouse in Charleston.

The Auction Block (p. 16)

Monsieur Rondin Again: More views of the U.S.S. Kearsarge by a Cherbourg photographer by Michael Hammerson (pp. 17-19)
A follow up to a story that appeared in the January-February 1998 issue, the author turned up more images of the Kearsarge in England. All are credited to Rondin. The images are detailed here.

Swan Song by Jerry Harlowe (pp. 20-23)
A carte de visite of the gundeck of the U.S. warship Augusta in the Canadian harbor of Halifax, Nova Scotia, provides the entry point for a history of the vessel and its connection to the Emperor of Russia, American foreign policy and the first-ever crossing of the Atlantic Ocean by a U.S. ironclad, the Miantonomoh. Also included are images of the ironclad, Cmdr. Alexander Murray of the Augusta and Assistant Secretary of the Navy Gustavus Fox.

Mystery Photographer of Pulaski, Tennessee: Portraits of the 9th Indiana Cavalry by John Sickles (pp. 24-27)
A gallery of nine images, paper and plate, are all linked by an ornate painted backdrop with a flag-flying fortress situated upon a rocky bluff. They are also linked to the 9th Indiana Cavalry, several members of which are identified here: Maj. Patrick Carland, Pvt. William McFarlan, Pvt. Robert C. Spell, Bugler Marshall Jenkins and Pvt. Alonzo Burkett.

General Deception by Lester Horwitz (p. 28)
Richard Curd Morgan and his younger brother, Gen. John Hunt Morgan, were captured during the aftermath of fighting at Buffington Island, Ohio. Four months later, when Gen. Morgan escaped from prison, it was brother Richard who created a successful ruse. The full story includes a wartime image of Richard.

Annapolis ’68: A trio of vignettes from the U.S. Naval Academy by Jerry Harlowe and Mike Fitzpatrick (pp. 29-30)
Profiles and portraits feature Warner Cowgill, George E. Mills and Charles A. Copp.

The Sharp End: Vignettes from the Union infantry (pp. 30-33)
Profiles and portraits feature Madison M. Cannon of the 1st New Jersey Infantry and 40th New York Infantry, Edward L. Porter of the 2nd and 18th Connecticut infantries, Milton M. Holland of the 5th U.S. Colored Infantry, Reuben R. Myers of the 30th Indiana Infantry, Berkley P. Blewitt of the 20th and 88th Pennsylvania infantries and the 24th Veteran Reserve Corps, and Contract Surgeon William D. Lee.

Tennessee Two-Step: A small incident in a large war by Roger Norland (pp. 34-37)
The Battle of the Corncrib, fought near Nolensville, Tenn., on Feb. 15th, 1863, was a most minor affair and had no strategic outcome. But it was a decided victory for a squad of soldiers from Company D of the 2nd Minnesota Infantry who took on an oversized company of Confederates. Images of six of the Minnesotans are included: Joseph Burger, Charles Liscom, Milton Hanna, John Vale, Samuel Leslie and Livilo Holmes.

Captain Bob’s Caveat Emptorium (p. 37)
Self-styled “Capitano Roberto” is offering up a pair of images of twin brothers from the 4th New York Infantry for the low price of $375. This time, you might take the deal because the real story is more impressive than the Captain’s hogwash.

Light & Shadow: Technical Aspects of Photography and Collecting (p. 38)
A series of three advertisements in the American Star in occupied Mexico City tells a story of daguerreotypists working during the Mexican War era.

Uniforms & History by Michael J. McAfee (p. 39)
In “65th New York Volunteer Infantry—1st U.S. Chasseurs” McAfee examines the uniforms of this unit. A cartes de visite of Quartermaster Sgt. Edward Welch illustrates the text.

Sutler’s Row (pp. 41-44)

Stragglers (pp. 45-48)
Solo photos from the collections of our readers features 17 images, including an unidentified vivandière, William McDaniel of the 3rd Michigan Cavalry, 1st Sgt. Herbert Greenslitt of the 143rd Pennsylvania Infantry, 2nd Lt. Robert Fletcher of the 1st U.S., Artillery and U.S. Marines David Cornell and Isaac Stover.

Back cover
Two hard-plate images from the Tom Molocea Collection include a pioneer with his brassards and a pair of Yankees in front of the Michigan backdrop. One of the men in the latter image is Ebenezer Bartlett of the 105th Pennsylvania Infantry.

Finding Aid: May/June 1999

The complete issue

Vol. XX, No. 6
(48 pages)

Print edition: Visit our store to check availability
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Cover image
A sixth-plate ambrotype, circa 1856, from the Michael F. Bremer Collection shows a droll-looking soldier or student reading a copy of Devereaux – probably a biography of Robert Devereaux, the Earl of Essex, or the opera of the same name by Gaetano Donizetti – here published as a volume of “The Railway Library.”

Editor’s Desk (p. 3)
The editor opines on photography as an ephemeral medium, notes classes on 19th century photographic techniques at the George Eastman House Museum of Photography and announces an upcoming feature about Union army rank insignia.

Mail Call (pp. 4-5)
Letters include an apology from author Chris Nelson for omitting a credit, cheers for MI on its 20th years, corrections for the “Dandy 7th,” praise for “Six from Sickles” and more.

Passing in Review (p. 7)
One publication is mentioned, Buff Facings and Gilt Buttons (University of South Carolina Press) by J. Boone Bartholomees Jr.

In the Fort Delaware Death Pen: A Mississippi Trooper’s Descent Into Hell by Martin L. Callahan (pp. 9-12)
David McElwain of the 2nd Mississippi Cavalry was captured in Ripley, Tenn., on May 22, 1863, and sent to Fort Delaware—a prison dreaded by Confederate prisoners of war. McElwain was one of the lucky souls to survive. This is his story and a larger narrative of life inside the prison. The text is illustrated with wartime and postwar portraits of McElwain, an image of another prisoner, Quartermaster Sgt. William J. Darden of the 5th Texas Infantry, and illustrations of the prison.

 Revenue Stamps & Civil War Photos: An Exploration of Those Little Stamps on CDVs by David A. Norris (pp. 13-15)
The author explains the purpose of the stamps affixed to the backs of cartes de visite, and illustrates the narrative with three representative images.

 A Life in Uniform: The Craig Harburton Album by Jeff Thompson (pp. 16-17)
A series of images traces the life of Harburton from a boy dressed in military costume in June 1861 to a circa 1876 militiaman in Philadelphia’s elite cavalry unit, the 1st City Troop.

Light & Shadow: Technical Aspects of Photography and Collecting (p. 18)
A listing of format types and their definitions answers the question, “What’s in a name?”

A Life in Uniform, II: Photos from the Album of James Reagles, M.D., Military Surgeon by Paul R. Johnson, M.D., F.A.C.S. (pp. 19-23)
A series of images traces the life and military service of the doctor from his Civil War service as a volunteer in the 62nd New York Infantry to his retirement in 1908 as a captain in the Medical Corps of the regular army.

Union Dead…Confederate Dead: Locating Alexander Gardner’s Antietam Views #550 and #555 by Robert Kalasky (pp. 24-29)
The author’s photo sleuthing in the William Frassanito tradition examines two views of battlefield dead.

Your Affectionate Son: The Civil War letters of Pvt. Harley J. Hilborn, 145th Pennsylvania Volunteers edited by Eileen Conklin (pp. 30-36)
Personal letters, among the most touching we’ve ever read, was specially selected for reprint in this final issue of Volume XX. The letters were originally printed in Volume II, March/April 1981.

One Private’s War: The memoirs and photographs of Thomas Jefferson Moses, 93rd Illinois Infantry, 1862-1865 edited by Scott Cross (pp. 37-39)
Early and late-war portraits of Moses illustrate his narrative, which includes references to Brig. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant’s Northern Mississippi Campaign, the Yazoo Pass Expedition and Vicksburg. Images of comrades J. Phillip Garman, Luther Hess and Ellias Kastenbader are also included.

Luck Run Out: Edwin Bartlett & Edwin Whitney, 10th Massachusetts Infantry by Richard K. Tibbals (pp. 40-42)
Friends and fellow lieutenants, the two officers survived the biggest battles in the East with nothing more than the most minor of wounds. But their luck changed on May 18, 1864, in the vicinity of Spotsylvania, Va.

Captain Bob’s Caveat Emptorium (p. 43)
Armed Confederate cavalryman or Garibaldino from the War for Italian Unification? Buyer beware!

The Auction Block (p. 43)

Uniforms & History by Michael J. McAfee (pp. 44-45)
In “20th New York Volunteer Infantry, The United Turner Rifles” McAfee examines the uniforms of the unit. Two cartes de visite of enlisted men, August Werthoff and Henry Buehler, illustrate the text.

Sutler’s Row (pp. 46-47)

Stragglers (p. 48)
Solo photos from the collections of our readers includes one image of two Union soldiers posed with Prussian Model 1809 muskets.

Back cover
A carte de visite from the Guy Smith Collection is a view of Union-occupied New Bern, N.C.

Finding Aid: March/April 1999

The complete issue

Vol. XX, No. 5
(48 pages)

Print edition: Visit our store to check availability
Digital edition: Visit to purchase
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Cover image
An image from the Jerry Harlowe Collection is a portrait taken in Hong Kong of a U.S. navy officer with the rank of commander who is posed with a woman who may be his wife or a British colonial subject.

Editor’s Desk (p. 3)
The editor notes that “national embarrassment” of the impeachment of President Bill Clinton is not as embarrassing as the first one 130 years ago, and shares a suggestion from Atlanta collector George Whiteley that we share plans for upcoming galleries so that readers can contribute.

Mail Call (pp. 4-7)
Letters include congratulations on the magazine’s 20th year in publication, the 93rd New York Infantry, the “Michigan” backdrop, German-American musicians, the Alabama, patriotic mats and more.

Cadets & Other Kids in Uniform (pp. 9-15)
A gallery of 25 photographs from the Civil War through World War I features cadets and children dressed in military costume.

Six from Sickles by John Sickles (pp. 16-21)
Profiles and portrait photographs of George Von Schack of the 7th New York Infantry, Robert Smalls of Planter fame, Henry M. Nevius of the 1st New York Cavalry, 7th Michigan Cavalry and 25th New York Cavalry, George Wehle of the 7th Kansas Cavalry, Jerome Napoleon Bonaparte, grandson of the French emperor’s youngest brother and his American-born wife and John A. Wilson of the Bragg.

Light & Shadow: Technical Aspects of Photography and Collecting (p. 21)
A list of photographic innovations of the Civil War, contributed by renowned collector William Gladstone.

An Obstinate Yankee Officer…Or, will the real Lt. Rogers please stand up? by Michael Hammerson (pp. 22-23)
A portrait of an unknown New York officer with a note inscribed on the back, “Miss Rogers, 182 N. Pearl St.,” is at the heart of a photo sleuthing mystery in progress by the author.

Famous Photograph…Recreated by Betty Cauler (pp. 24-25)
Confederate re-enactors in front of the J. Rosenstock storefront in downtown Harpers Ferry, W. Va., were photographed by the author. Her image is a recreation of an iconic 1862 image of the same spot.

Funerary Photography by Mark H. Dunkelman (pp. 26-28)
The author examines a Civil War era cemetery phenomenon of attaching photographs to grave markers. Two grave stones with indentations where the photographs once appeared illustrate the text.

Passing in Review (p. 29)
Three publications are mentioned, including Photographic History of the Civil War (10 volumes on two CD-ROMs) by H-Bar Enterprises, Private Soldiers and Public Heroes: An American Album of the Common Man’s Civil War (Rutledge Hill Press) by Milton Bagby and Life in Mr. Lincoln’s Navy (Naval Institute Press) by Dennis J. Ringle.

Two Pair: Vignettes from the collection of James J. Hennessey (pp. 30-31)
Profiles of two Union soldiers, each represented by two unique portraits, include Fife Major Bradford Wakeman of the 33rd Illinois Infantry and Capt. Elias Pellet of the 17th and 114th New York Infantry.

The Dandy 7th: A selection of photos of the 7th Regiment, New York State Militia in the collection of David O’Reilly (pp. 32-35)
A gallery of 11 portraits of this much-photographed regiment includes Samuel Curtis, James Ray, Joseph Lentilhan, Alfred Cutler Barnes, James Benkard, H.T. Teer and W.B. Allen.

Uniforms & History by Michael J. McAfee (pp. 36-37)
In “The Seventh Regiment, National Guard, State of New York, The Chasseur Uniform, 1865-1867,” McAfee examines the elaborate uniforms and headgear of the unit. Two cartes de visite, one of an enlisted man and another of two officers, illustrate the text.

Captain Bob’s Caveat Emptorium (p. 39)
Though still in the Witness Protection Program, Bob makes mischief from afar with images he is trying to pawn off as Confederate prisoners of war. But we know better.

Stragglers (pp. 40-45)
Solo photos of the odd, the unusual and the humorous from the collections of our readers includes an array of 21 photographs that include groupings of soldiers at play, bandsman and other subjects.

Sutler’s Row (pp. 46-47)

Back cover
A sixth-plate ambrotype from the Roy Mantle Collection is described as a “new volunteer with his bonnie lady.”

Finding Aid: January/February 1999

The complete issue

Vol. XX, No. 4
(48 pages)

Print edition: Visit our store to check availability
Digital edition: Visit to purchase
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Cover image
Physician Mary Walker (1832-1919) survived three years as a nurse in the Union army, during which she endured four months in captivated and served as assistant surgeon in an Ohio regiment.

Editor’s Desk (p. 3)
The editor notes the diverse array of articles in this issue, the first appearance of a solo portrait of a woman on the cover, and a grand total of 120 images inside the magazine—a record to date.

Mail Call (pp. 4-5)
Letters include a possible identification of an officer and sword, reverse images and digital fakery.

Passing in Review (pp. 9-10)
Four publications are mentioned, including Don Troiani’s Soldiers in America 1754-1865 (Stackpole Books) by Earl J. Coates and James L. Kochan, Bridge Building in War Time: Colonel Wesley Brainerd’s Memoir of the 50th New York Volunteer Engineers (University of Tennessee Press) edited by Ed Malles, Raiders and Blockaders: The American Civil War Afloat (Brassey’s) by William N. Still Jr., John M. Taylor and Norman C. Delaney and Wilson’s Cavalry Corps: Union Campaigns in the Western Theatre, October 1864 through Spring 1865 (McFarland) by Jerry Keenan.

Richard’s Rebs: Confederate images from the collection of Richard Anthony (pp. 9-13)
A gallery of 23 mostly hard-plate soldier portraits. Identified soldiers include John H. Fields of the 3rd North Carolina Artillery, Leander Davidson Sharpe of the 49th North Carolina Infantry, Jonas Cook of the 8th North Carolina Infantry, James Wesley Morris of the 1st South Carolina Artillery, Wiley Safriet of the 42nd North Carolina Infantry and Clay Roberts Tyler of McDuffie’s Rifles of Virginia.

Civil War Military and Patriotic Mats for Photographic Cases by Paul K. Berg (pp. 14-17)
Examples of brass preservers from the Scovill Manufacturing Company and Holmes, Booth & Hayden illustrate text that describes the “sandwich of parts” used to protect hard-plate images.

Light & Shadow: Technical Aspects of Photography and Collecting (p. 18)
Featured is a diagram titled “The Photographic Package,” which shows the five parts—cover glass, brass mat, photographic plate, brass preserver and thermoplastic case.

Fremont’s Greyhounds: Company D, 13th Illinois Infantry by Scott Cross (pp. 19-21)
A gallery of ten portraits, selected from a group of 67 in the collection of the Rock Island Arsenal Museum, were made during the first few months of 1862 in Rolla, Mo. They include Col. John Wyman, Capt. James Beardsley, Lt. Elisha Beardsley, Lt. Col. Frederick Partridge, Surg. Samuel Plummer and Chaplain Joseph Miller.

Providence Has Been Kind…Letters from the pen of Col. James W. Jackson, 47th Alabama Infantry, after Sharpsburg and Gettysburg (pp. 22-23)
Jackson (1831-1865) started the war as a captain in the 7th Alabama Infantry but was forced to resign on account of poor health after the Peninsula Campaign. He returned to the army as lieutenant colonel and then colonel of the 47th. The letters transcribed here reveal his experience in two of the biggest battles in the East. A circa 1858 portrait accompanies the text. All the material is part of the Alabama Department of Archives and History.

The “Deguerrrean Artist” of Camp Michigan: A painted backdrop identified by John A. Braden (pp. 24-27)
The author connected a painted backdrop of tents and the Stars and Stripes to a photographer who visited the camp of the 5th Michigan Infantry in the defenses of Washington, D.C., in early 1862. Six portraits illustrate the text.

The Auction Block (p. 27)

Best of Show: Images from the 1998 Gettysburg Show (pp. 28-41)
A gallery of 58 images described as a “photographic feast” includes a wide array of tasty morsels, including a half-plate ambrotype of a militia muster at Angelica, N.Y., a West Point cadet with a brass cannon, messmates re-enacting a meal, a Zouave from the 33rd New Jersey Infantry, a private in the Philadelphia 1st City Troop, circa 1863, a carte de visite of Philip Evan Thomas of the 5th South Carolina Cavalry, a pair of portraits of Madison Pitzer Deyerle of the 28th Virginia Infantry, two images of soldiers with servants and much, much more.

C.S.S. Alabama: Caught twice in Singapore! by Budd J. LaRue and Stanley E. Warren (pp. 42-45)
The authors compare two photographs of the famed vessel, one from the Tennessee State Library and Archives and another from the academic journal The Microscope. They found the photographs reconfirm existing imagery shown on period woodcuts and lithographs.

Sutler’s Row (pp. 46-47)

Stragglers (p. 47)
Solo photos from the collections of our readers includes one carte de visite of a Confederate soldier taken by photographer D.F. Brandon, who worked at the Camp Douglas prisoner of war facility at Chicago.

Back cover
A previously unpublished portrait of Brig. Gen. Alexander Hays, an 1844 graduate of West Point who was killed in action in The Wilderness on May 5, 1864.

Finding Aid: November/December 1998

The complete issue

Vol. XX, No. 3
(48 pages)

Print edition: Visit our store to check availability
Digital edition: Visit to purchase
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Cover image
A sixth-plate ambrotype from the Tom Molocea Collection is a circa 1861 portrait of an unknown Buckeye who may be a member of the 36th Ohio Infantry.

Editor’s Desk (p. 3)
The editor observes that this issue marks the anniversary of the Battle of Fredericksburg, and announces the promotion of John Sickles to Senior Editor of MI “for his years of dedicated contributions to the magazine. John is both a gentleman and a scholar in the best sense of those words.”

Mail Call (pp. 5-6)
Letters include words of praise for “Honored Blades” and the Spanish-American War issue, and a request for a better balance of Union and Confederate images in the magazine.

Passing in Review (pp. 9-10)
Seven publications are mentioned, including Spanish-American War 1898 (Brassey’s) by Ron Field, Civil War Cartridge Boxes of the Union Infantryman (A. Mowbray) by Paul D. Johnson, Volume XIV of North Carolina Troops 1861-1865: A Roster (North Carolina Division of Archives and History) edited by Weymouth Jordan, “Remember You Are Jerseymen!” A Military History of New Jersey’s Troops in the Civil War (Longstreet House) by Joseph Bilby and William Goble and more.

Victims and Survivors: New perspectives on Fredericksburg’s May 1864 photographs by Noel G. Harrison (pp. 11-19)
A comprehensive analysis of several iconic images taken in Fredericksburg, Va., provides new information and scholarship.

Molding a Legend: Images of the 7th Wisconsin Infantry opposite Fredericksburg, Virginia, July 1862 by Eric J. Mink (pp. 20-23)
Five outdoor images of this well-known Iron Brigade regiment are highlighted by the author, an historian with the National Park Service.

My Brother My Enemy: Phillip R. Fendell, Jr., and James R.Y. Fendell by David M. Sullivan (pp. 24-28)
One brother served the Union and the other the Confederacy. Both were Marines and officers. This is their unique story, illustrated with their portraits.

A Letter from Daniel O’Connor, USMC, Reports the North’s Fiasco at Norfolk Navy Yard by John W. O’Connor (pp. 29-31)
O’Connor, a private aboard the Cumberland, described the April 20, 1861, burning of the Yard by its Union occupiers to keep valuable supplies and vessels, including the Merrimack, out of the hands of advancing Confederates. O’Connor shared his observations in a letter written from four days later from Fortress Monroe.

Effects of a Shell…an examination of a controversial Gettysburg photograph by Paul R. Johnson, M.D., F.A.C.S. (pp. 32-33)
The author finds that the visible wounds in an iconic photograph of a dead soldier on the battlefield “is entirely consistent with the trauma induced by the energy of a solid artillery projectile moving with low velocity, high mass and high momentum.”

Light & Shadow: Technical Aspects of Photography and Collecting (p. 34)
Two examples of digital manipulation on the computer show how a damaged image can be restored.

A Postwar Mortality by John Mills Bigham (p. 35)
The author begins this sketch with the subject’s death: “Thomas Robertson Wilson bled to death on May 14, 1871 after violently coughing up a bullet.” A veteran of the 3rd South Carolina Infantry, Wilson suffered wounds in the fighting at Chickamauga, Savage Station and North Anna River. It is likely that the wound suffered in the last engagement named, which occurred on May 25, 1864, caused his death seven years later. The text is illustrated with his wartime portrait.

Brave Walk a Heap: The tragic life of William Henry Walcott, sergeant, Battery A, 1st Rhode Island Artillery, captain, 17th U.S. Infantry by Jeff Kowalis (pp. 36-39)
After Walcott suffered a debilitating leg wound at Gettysburg that resulted in an amputation, his combat career was ended. Though he survived the war, pain from the wound turned him into a raging morphine addict late in life. He died destitute in 1901. Several wartime and postwar portraits illustrate the text.

Uniforms & History by Michael J. McAfee (pp. 40-41)
In “The 18th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regt.” McAfee explores the distinctive uniform and history of this Bay State regiment. The text is illustrated with portraits of James B. Hancock of Company A and Erastus Everson of Company H, who both ranked as first sergeant.

Captain Bob’s Caveat Emptorium (pp. 42-44)
The captain tries to pawn off questionable outdoor images—his last offering before disappearing into the Witness Protection Program for a few issues.

Sutler’s Row (pp. 45-46)

Stragglers (pp. 38-40)
Solo photos from the collections of our readers include James Wilson of the 6th Iowa Infantry, a circa 1903 image of the 58th Company, Coast Artillery Corps, Fort Monroe, Va., Mexican War veteran J.L. Martel, circa 1882, and more.

Back cover
A sixth-plate ambrotype of a well-armed Southern gunner from the Dent “Wildman” Myers Collection, a.k.a. the Gentle General.

Finding Aid: March/April 1998

The complete issue

Vol. XIX, No. 5
(40 pages)

Print edition: Visit our store to check availability
Digital edition: Visit to purchase
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Cover image
A quarter-plate ruby ambrotype from the William Elswick Collection pictures a Confederate infantryman with a Model 1841 Mississippi Rifle or a “Palmetto” copy of it, and a sign that reads “Victory or Death!”

Editor’s Desk (p. 3)
The editor observes the long history of art thieves and forgers, and shares a piece of advice: Know your dealer, take nothing at face value, and always carry a loupe or magnifying glass.

Mail Call (pp. 4-5)
Letters include comments about gangs in New York, a Georgia uniform, New England militia photos, Irish Papal Zouaves and more.

Passing in Review (pp. 6-7)
Seven publications are mentioned, including Georgia Sharpshooter: The Civil War Diary and Letters of William Rhadamanthus Montgomery (Mercer University Press) edited by George Montgomery, The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Civil War Collectibles (Owl Books) by Chuck Lawliss, Civil War Sites, Memorials, Museums and Library Collections: A State-by-State Guidebook to Places Open to the Public (McFarland & Company) by Doug Gelbert and more.

Elswick’s Elegant Images: Photographs from the collection of William Elswick (pp. 8-14)
A gallery of 30 representative images includes portraits of Union and Confederate soldiers. They include a sergeant in the U.S. Colored Infantry, a Native American, several Confederates and a carte de visite of Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain after his promotion to colonel.

From Shiloh to Santiago: Biography of William Wallace Walker, Jr. by Martin L. Callahan (pp. 15-19)
A former Confederate captain in Col. Wirt Adams’s Regiment of Mississippi Cavalry, Walker went on to serve in the American army with the 1st Texas Cavalry during the Spanish-American War. The text is illustrated with a circa 1898 portrait of Wallace and other images from both wars, as well as a photograph of his Spanish-American War uniform and revolver.

“Hope of the 22nd Ohio:” A portrait of Western soldiers by Ed Italo (pp. 20-21)
A portrait of 18 identified, non-commissioned officers is accompanied by a brief sketch of the regiment’s history, which includes the Battle of Shiloh and other engagements.

The Journal of William O’Shaughnessy, Battery H, 3rd New York Light Artillery edited by Paul Russinoff (pp. 22-27)
O’Shaughnessy documents the 1862 and 1863 North Carolina Campaign, and other parts of his military service. The text is illustrated with a portrait of him on horseback.

Red & White in Blue: Four tragedies of the Indian Wars (pp. 28-30)
A collection of profiles, each illustrated with an original portrait, includes Theodore G. Cree of the 2nd and 3rd Iowa Infantry and the 3rd Colorado Cavalry, Guy V. Henry of the 1st U.S. Artillery, 40th Massachusetts Infantry and 3rd U.S. Cavalry, Ute Warrior “Washington” and Thomas Thornburgh of the 6th Tennessee Infantry and the 4th U.S. Infantry.

Uniforms & History by Michael J. McAfee (pp. 31-32)
In “Khaki, 1898-1902: The New Order” McAfee explores the change from the blue color worn by American soldiers through most of the 19th century to the “drab, utilitarian clothing” of modern times. The text is illustrated with a portrait of Sgt. Thomas Rowland of the 2nd U.S. Cavalry.

Captain Bob’s Caveat Emptorium (p. 35)
The captain tries to pawn off a modern image of re-enactors portraying dead soldiers as Gettysburg casualties.

Sutler’s Row (pp. 36-37)

Stragglers (pp. 38-40)
Solo photos from the collections of our readers were captured at the 1997 Midwest Civil War Show in the Chicago suburb of Wheaton. They include sailors, wounded soldiers, a Maryland officer with a crutch, and more.

Back cover
A photo postcard from the Ben Maryniak Collection pictures the funeral procession of President Abraham Lincoln moving through Buffalo, N.Y.


Finding Aid: January/February 1998

The complete issue

Vol. XIX, No. 4
(40 pages)

Print edition: Visit our store to check availability
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Cover image
carte de visite from the David Wynn Vaughan Collection pictures Brule Sioux warrior Hollow Horn Bear with an unknown lieutenant who served in the 5th U.S. Cavalry, circa 1880.

Editor’s Desk (p. 3)
The editor shares a letter full of praise for the magazine, and notes that the issues are now being mailed in protective polybags.

Mail Call (p. 5)
Letters include comments about Anna Etheridge, a Civil War museum exhibit in England, another exhibit, this one about African American soldiers, in Philadelphia, and a theft alert.

Cream of the Crop: Photos from the 1997 Gettysburg Show (pp. 6-25)
A gallery of 78 images is divided into sections that include musicians, militia, sailors and marines, painted backdrops, Feds and Rebs, getting comfortable, family matters, outdoor views and medals and insignia.

The Culpeper Backdrop: A multi-faceted detective story by Dale R. Niesen (pp. 26-29)
The author shares his story of discovery that begins with noticing similar backdrops in portraits of soldiers who served in the 24th Michigan Infantry. What follows is study of the images, findings and a hope that another image will surface that can lead to the identity of the photographer. Seven images illustrate the text.

Monsieur Rondin’s Fake Photo: A Scan that Failed by Norman C. Delaney (pp. 30-32)
Meet Francois Sebastien Rondin of Cherbourg, France, who claimed to have photographed the famous battle between the Alabama and the Kearsarge. But did he? The author examines the evidence and shares his conclusion. Two images illustrate the text.

Uniforms & History by Michael J. McAfee (pp. 33-34)
In “First & Second Regiments United States Sharpshooters, ‘The Green Coats,’” McAfee explores the history and distinct uniforms of this regiment. A portrait of Henry L. Campbell, who served in Company H of the 2nd, illustrates the text.

 Passing in Review (pp. 35-36)
Six publications are mentioned, including A Stupendous Effort: The 87th Indiana in the War of the Rebellion (Indiana University Press) by Jack K. Overmyer, The Young Lions: Confederate Cadets at War (Stackpole Books) by James Lee Conrad, The Mexican National Army, 1822-1852 (Texas A&M University Press) by William A. DePalo Jr., Robert E. Lee: A Life Portrait (Taylor Publishing) by David Eicher and more.

Light & Shadow: Technical Aspects of Photography & Collecting (p. 37)
The art of “contemporary reproductions” is nothing new, according to Barry I. Mickey, who discovered two images from the turn of the 19th century that have been doctored.

The Auction Block (p. 38)
Latest auction news.

Sutler’s Row (pp. 39-40)

Back cover
A sixth-plate ambrotype from the David Wynn Vaughan Collection pictures a soldier in the New England National Guards, a Boston militia company.


Finding Aid: November/December 1997

The complete issue

Vol. XIX, No. 3
(40 pages)

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Cover image
A hard plate image from the Rick and Coby Mack Collection pictures an unknown fireman-turned-Union soldier.

Editor’s Desk (p. 3)
The editor looks ahead to Volume XX of the magazine and notes the centennial of the Spanish-American War.

Mail Call (pp. 4-5, 40)
Letters include comments about the Papal Guard Zouaves, the Confederate raider Alabama, 19th century Crips and Bloods, Phil Sheridan and more.

Passing in Review (pp. 5-7)
Eight publications are mentioned, including Play for a Kingdom (Harcourt Brace) by Thomas Dyja, The Civil War in Depth: History in 3-D (Chronicle Books) by Bob Zeller, Blue Lightning (Blue Acorn Press) by Richard A. Baumgartner, Sinews of War (Presidio Press) by Benjamin W. Bacon, Our Noble Blood: The Civil War Letters of Regis de Trobriand (Belle Grove Publishing) by William Styple and more.

September 8, 1863: a momentous day in the history of photography by Bob Zeller (pp. 8-16, 37)
The story of the first combat photograph in history, a scene of the naval bombardment of Charleston Harbor taken by George S. Cook.

“Between the Crosses, Row on Row:” A photo study of the cost of World War I by Richard K. Tibbals (pp. 17-19)
A survey of eight images that picture cemeteries, burials and an execution during the Great War.

Immigrants in the Ranks: A collection of vignettes of foreigners in the Union army (pp. 20-23)
Images and profiles include John Amonson (Norway) of the 46th Illinois Infantry, Peter O’Brien (Ireland) of the 170th New York Infantry, John Keppel (Netherlands) of the 2nd Iowa Infantry, Christian Von Gunden (Switzerland) of the 107th Ohio Infantry, William Remmel (Germany) of the 121st New York Infantry, Theodore Gustavus Fisher (Germany) of the 7th Massachusetts Infantry and Augustus Haun (Denmark) of the 8th Iowa Infantry.

The Elusive Pillbox Cap, 1870-1900 by Anthony Gero (pp. 24-26)
A gallery of seven images pictures soldiers of the post-Civil War era wearing small round caps with buttons on top. These unusual and rare images are all American soldiers.

Black Sheep: Francis Henderson Baker, U.S.N. by David Sullivan (p. 27)
The life and times of Baker, a lieutenant commander who served in the Union blockade, who was part of a lesser known family with deep military connections. The text is illustrated with an original wartime portrait.

Captain Bob’s Caveat Emptorium (pp. 28-30)
In this special “Distress Sale” installment, the wily captain is offering up a genuine Confederate States Marine, Zouaves, Yankee drummer boys and more!

Uniforms & History by Michael J. McAfee (pp. 31-32)
In “The National Rifles, District of Columbia Militia, 1861: ‘A Matter of Loyalty,’” McAfee explores the history and distinct gray and red-trimmed uniforms of this regiment. The text is illustrated with a portrait of Henry M. Slade of the company.

Light & Shadow: Technical Aspects of Photography & Collecting (p. 33)
An 1855 account by a photographer daguerreotyping on the Mississippi River is the focus of this installment.

The Auction Block (p. 34)
Latest auction news.

Sutler’s Row (pp. 35-37)

Stragglers (pp. 38-40)
Solo photos from our readers includes seven images from the William Turner Collection. The unknown soldiers pictured “look fiercely determined to win independence for the South.”

Back cover
A carte de visite from the Stephen Rogers Collection pictures a Union soldier with a large format camera.

Finding Aid: Autumn 2017

The complete issue

Vol. XXXV, No. 4
(80 pages)

Print edition: Visit our store to check availability
Digital edition: Visit to purchase
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Cover image
A quarter-plate tintype from the Rich Jahn Collection pictures a dashing cavalry officer staring into the distance.
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Table of Contents (p. 1)
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Editor’s Desk (p. 2)
In “On Blue, Gray and Khaki,” the editor observes the commemoration of the centennial of World War I and reflects on how the timeline for MI has shifted from 1839 to 1939 when the magazine was founded to today’s primary coverage of the Civil War period.
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Mail Call (pp. 3-4)
Feedback includes praise for the last issue, information about image quality and submissions, and the debut of at the Gettysburg Show.
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Passing in Review (p. 6)
Roger D. Hunt’s latest in the Colonels in Blue series profiles commanders in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin.
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Antebellum Warriors (p. 8)
A half-plate daguerreotype by Mathew B. Brady from the National Portrait Gallery Collection pictures John Pelham, the West Point cadet who reluctantly resigned to join the Confederate army after his home state of Alabama seceded from the Union. This image is part of a current National Portrait Gallery exhibit.

Most Hallowed Ground (p. 10)
Henry Meigs Meade, the nephew of Maj. Gen. George G. Meade and second cousin of Quartermaster Gen. Montgomery Meigs, had a tough time as a paymaster in the navy. Unaccounted funds and other irregularities resulted in his dismissal, but he was later allowed to resign.

Photo Sleuth by Kurt Luther (pp. 12-13)
Kurt identifies an officer, Capt. Thomas Whiting of the 89th Illinois Infantry, using traditional research methods and

The Honored Few (pp. 14-15)
In “Escape after Spotsylvania,” we meet Lt. Col. Edmund Rice of the 19th Massachusetts Infantry. Though he received the Medal of Honor for his actions during the Battle of Gettysburg, the story about his capture at Spotsylvania and eventual escape is less known—and illustrated with an albumen print of him with three fellow escapees.

Blue, Gray & Khaki (pp. 16-26)
A survey of 22 portraits of doughboys, Union veterans and Confederate veterans. Included in the group are two Civil War veterans still in uniform during World War I: William West Grant, who served in Brig. Gen. James H. Clanton’s Artillery Battery (Alabama) and Walter H. Thomas Jr. of the 29th Maine Infantry. Other identified soldiers are also included.

Doughboy: Origins of a Classic Americanism (p. 27)
Though “doughboy” was popularized during World War I, the origin of the word as a military term is disputed, with several explanations emerging over the years. This story examines six newspaper references from 1853-1865.

Keeper of History: Images from the Rich Jahn Collection (pp. 29-39)
Jahn, a respected collector, takes a long view of the hobby, “We never own these images. We are only the keepers of history during our tenure of collecting. Someday someone else will be looking at these soldiers and saying, ‘I wonder where this image came from. Who had it before me?’” A selection of his best images is included.

Unsung Pioneer Photo Collector: Samuel Crocker Lawrence and the Medford Collection by Ronald S. Coddington (pp. 40-47)
Quiet, unassuming and wealthy, Samuel Lawrence commanded the 5th Massachusetts Infantry at the First Battle of Bull Run, where he suffered a serious wound that ended his military service. He would go on to amass a collection of 3,680 Civil War photographs, which was rediscovered in 1990 after years of being forgotten.

Hagerstown’s Durable Man: A Marylander’s half century of military service spanned four wars by Stephen R. Bockmiller (pp. 48-51)
German immigrant George Leonard Fisher started his military service in 1862 with the 7th Maryland Infantry and ended it in 1917 as a drill instructor to troops recruited to fight World War I. The text is illustrated with seven portraits of Fisher.

Yankee & Doughboy: A trove of newly discovered photographs documents a father and son by Aaron D. Purcell, with images from the Jeremiah T. Lockwood, Jr. Collection, Special Collections, Virginia Tech (pp. 52-54)
Jeremiah Talcott Lockwood, Jr. was sent to the local insurance office to pay a bill on behalf of his father, and he wound up enlisting in the Union army. His life story, illustrated with eight portraits that span his long life, is included here.

Following the Torn and Bloodstained Colors: John Michener’s Civil War Odyssey by Dan Clendaniel (pp. 56-59)
Michener, an officer in the 85th Pennsylvania Infantry, had his first encounter of the war with Peace Democrats in the Keystone State before he ever stepped a foot into the Confederacy. He would go on to see his share of action in Southern territory. Captured in a skirmish on the outskirts of Savannah, Ga., he spent months in prison, where he was used for a time as human shield. The image is illustrated with his wartime portrait.

Camp Photographers: Pictures by the thousands by Ron Field (pp. 60-63)
According to the author, “Virtually every military encampment had a travelling photographer nearby or within its limits during the Civil War. This was particularly true in the North, where photographic chemicals and supplies were readily available throughout the conflict.” What follows is an exploration of how camp photographers got started, details of the studies and prop weapons, and information about Confederate picture-makers.

The Making of Major Hay: A rare portrait of Lincoln’s private secretary is an artifact from a special wartime mission by Paul Russinoff (pp. 65-67)
A rare image of President Abraham Lincoln’s personal secretary dressed in a senior officer’s uniform and seated with a friend is a token of friendship. It is also a relic tied to an Executive Order from the White House that sought to end the war in 1864 by bringing Confederate states back into the Union under the auspices of a deceptively simple idea. Lincoln’s “Ten-Percent Plan” was not well received—and neither was Hay.

Reminiscences of an Exiled Marylander: The life and services of McHenry Howard by Evan Phifer (pp. 68-70)
Howard, the grandson of “Star-Spangled Banner” author Francis Scott Key, left his Maryland home to fight for the South. He served in a variety of role and fought in numerous battles, which he duly noted in his autobiography, Recollections of a Maryland Confederate Soldier and Staff Officer Under Johnston, Jackson and Lee.

Uniforms & History by Michael J. McAfee (p. 71)
In “The Zouave Mystique and the New York State Militia,’” Mike observes that Elmer E. Ellsworth and his Chicago United States Zouave Cadets probably had limited effect on New York militiaman during the Cadet’s 1861 tour of the Empire State. The 13th New York Militia Infantry is a notable exception.

Scalpels to Swords: West Virginia physicians who became combat commanders by Richard A. Wolfe (pp. 72-73)
The author profiles three medical men who became effective battlefield commanders, including Henry Capehart of the 1st Cavalry, Thomas Maley Harris of the 10th Infantry and Irish-born Joseph Thoburn of the 1st Infantry.

Stragglers: Distinctive Images from MI contributors (pp. 75-77)
Seven images are included, and all are of Southern origin. None of the men are identified, but there are clues that may lead to a positive identity by an alert subscriber.

Sutler’s Row (p. 79)

The Last Shot (p. 80)
Corporal David Henry Bennett of the 28th New York Infantry left a note tucked into his photograph case that explains why he wears a Confederate cap. It also suggests he had a premonition of his own battlefield death. In fact, he was killed at Antietam.

Finding Aid: September/October 1998

The complete issue

Vol. XX, No. 2
(48 pages)

Print edition: Visit our store to check availability
Digital edition: Visit to purchase
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Cover image
A tintype from the Richard Ricca Collection is a portrait of William Noll of the 11th New York Infantry’s Fire Zouaves. He suffered a wound and fell into enemy hands at the First Battle of Bull Run.

Table of Contents (p. 1)

Editor’s Desk (p. 3)
The editor reflects on the recent Gettysburg show, and notes that he shot five rolls of film during the event. He also promotes an MI slide show, “Mathew Brady’s World: Photography in the Civil War,” and answers a question about the use of derogatory terms for the enemy during times of war.

Mail Call (pp. 5-7)
Letters include praise for the magazine, a correction to the recent story, “The Man Who Could Be King” and a request for a feature about army- or depot-issued shirts.

Passing in Review (pp. 8-9, 42)
Seven publications are mentioned, including Lee’s Miserables: Life in the Army of Northern Virginia from the Wilderness to Appomattox (The University of North Carolina Press) by J. Tracy Power, Letters of a Civil War Nurse: Cornelia Hancock, 1863-1865 (University of Nebraska Press) edited by Henrietta Stratton Jacquette, Civil War Memories: The Collected Writings of William H. Busbey (Eagle Press) edited by Linda Zimmerman and more.

Honored Blades: Union officers & their swords by Robert T. Lyon (pp. 10-13)
A survey of 16 portraits of federal line officers illustrates an essay about the threefold importance of swords to those who carried them in the service of Northern arms. Positively identified men include Capt. Andrew Fagen of the 1st Pennsylvania Artillery, Capt. David Corbin of the 22nd Connecticut Infantry, Lt. Charles Bird of an unknown regiment and Capt. Eugene Miles of the 53rd Massachusetts Infantry.

Giving Johnny “Cold Iron:” An Irish immigrant in the 1st Connecticut Heavy Artillery by John Dwyer (pp. 14-17)
The life and war experience of John O’Brien (1839-1931) is told thanks to a collection of materials that include about 50 letters and a pair of cartes de visite that picture him as an enlisted man and an officer.

The Long Gray Line: An album of West Point graduates by David Neville (pp. 18-22)
A survey of 15 images includes eight portraits of cadets in their familiar uniforms with three columns of buttons. Other images picture West Pointers post-graduation. The collection spans the 19th century, though is focused on the Civil War period.

A Letter from the Peninsula: Writer identified through MI article by David S. Moore (p. 23)
This author, who serves as editor of Civil War Serials & Bibliography, connected a letter he had discovered some time ago to a reference in a 1988 story by David M. Sullivan in Military Images. That letter, and another letter written by the author to MI editor Harry Roach, is reproduced here. Also included is a portrait of Confederate soldier John L. Rapier, the writer of the letter.

North & South: An album of uncommon soldiers in the American Civil War (pp. 24-34)
This is a collection of mini-profiles of 16 enlisted men and officers by various authors. Each is illustrated with a wartime portrait. Union subjects include John Davis of the 123rd Ohio Infantry, George Perkins of the 19th Maine Infantry, Nathaniel Perkins of Dow’s 6th Maine Battery, De Van Postley of the 7th New York State Militia and the 174th New York Infantry, Robert Stokes of the U.S. Marine Corps and the 19th and 72nd Pennsylvania Infantries, Frederick Cordes of the 42nd Pennsylvania Infantry, Henry Cordes of the 18th U.S. Infantry, Norvell F. Churchill of the 1st Michigan Cavalry, Joseph Meals of the 15th Pennsylvania Cavalry, William C. Mills of the 21st Illinois Infantry and William Noll of the 11th New York Infantry (cover image). Confederates include Walter Kennedy of the Confederate army and later the 7th U.S. Cavalry, Andrew Lee of the 41st Alabama Infantry, George E. Lavender of Phillips Legion Cavalry (Georgia), John H.L. Bray of the 9th Texas Infantry and Frank Huger of the Virginia Artillery.

“A Thousand Boys in Blue…:” The 1st South Dakota Volunteers,1898-99 by David A. Norris (pp. 35-37)
This unit history, which begins with the regiment’s departure for the Philippines in July 1898 and ends with its return to the U.S. in September 1899, is illustrated with an image of the South Dakotans aboard the vessel Rio de Janeiro at the beginning of their deployment.

An Ironclad Forgery by Jerry Harlowe (pp. 38-39)
Reprinted from the January-February 1990 issue of MI, images and text answer the question “When is a monitor not a Monitor?

Uniforms & History by Michael J. McAfee (pp. 40-41)
In “The Lafayette Guard,” McAfee explores the history and gray uniforms of the 55th New York Infantry, also known as “The Lafayette Guard” or “The Guard de Lafayette.” The text is illustrated with portraits of the regiment’s colonel, Philipe Regis de Trobriand, and an unidentified private.

The Auction Block (p. 43)

Capt. Bob’s Caveat Emptorium (p. 43)
In this installment, the captain informs his loyal readership that he has temporarily suspended his column because he is at “Uncle Sam’s minimum-security facility at Allenwood, Pennsylvania on a conviction for image tempering.” This does not prevent him, of course, from sharing an image of the father of sculptor Ron Tunison.

Sutlers’ Row (pp. 44-47)

Stragglers (pp. 48)
A sole straggler is an infantryman who probably hails from New York.

Back cover
A sixth-plate ambrotype from the Rick Mack Collection pictures a soldier purportedly from North Carolina.