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Finding Aid: November/December 1994

The complete issue

Vol. XVI, No. 3
(40 pages)

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Cover image
carte de visite from the Mike McAfee Collection is an outdoor portrait of Pvt. Richard L. Cramer of the 4th Michigan Infantry from the Mathew B. Brady series “Illustrations of Camp Life.”

Editor’s Desk (p. 1)
The editor introduces the theme of this issue, Wolverine soldiers, and credits Dale Niesen as the driving force behind its success. He also mentions a need to boost subscription numbers and asks readers to consider gift subscriptions to friends and local libraries.

Mail Call (p. 3)
Letters include an article from the June 4, 1864, issue of the Cohoes Cataract about a broken ambrotype, belated praise for the 1989 Tar Heel issue and encouragement to keep the Southern images coming.

Passing in Review (p. 5)
Two publications are mentioned: A Surgeon’s Civil War: The Letters & Diary of Daniel M. Holt, M.D. (Kent State University Press) edited by James Greiner, Janet Coryell and James Smither and Defend the Valley (Orion Books) by Margaretta Barton Colt.

Wolverines: A Photographic Study of Men from the Great Lakes State in the War of the Rebellion compiled by Dale R. Niesen with Robert Coch and William Munday (pp. 6-35)
A total of 117 images is a celebration of Michiganders who fought for the Union. The survey is divided into 10 sections: Overview, Infantry, Colored Infantry, 1st Michigan Engineers & Mechanics, Sharpshooters, Chaplains, Medical Service, Field Artillery, Field Musicians and Cavalry. Portraits include Col. Norman J. Hall of the 7th Infantry, Philippine Island-born Pvt. Felix Balderry of the 11th Infantry, Sgt. Warren Sharp of the 1st Sharpshooters, Hospital Steward Henry Henshaw of the 2nd Cavalry, 2nd Lt. Edmond Luce of Battery H, Musician William Welsh of the 16th Infantry, Pvt. Eugene King Starkweather of the 5th Cavalry, Pvt. Augustus Shiegley of the 9th Cavalry and many more.

Uniforms & History by Michael J. McAfee (p. 37)
In “Fourth Michigan Volunteer Infantry, 1861-1864,” McAfee examines the cover image and provides an account of the regiment during its years in service.

Sutlers’ Row (pp. 38-40)

Back cover
A tintype from the State Museum of Michigan Collection pictures Medal of Honor recipient Smith Hastings of the 5th Michigan Cavalry astride his horse.

Finding Aid: September/October 1993

The complete issue

Vol. XV, No. 2
(32 pages)

Print edition: Visit our store to check availability
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Cover image
A sixth-plate ambrotype from the Herb Peck Jr. Collection pictures a group of Union soldiers, the soldier in the foreground sits upon a drum.

Editor’s Desk (p. 1)
The editor informs readers that a site has been selected for the Gen. James Longstreet monument at Gettysburg, and that an all-navy issue is in development.

Mail Call (pp. 2-3)
Letters include a comment on a backdrop, the recovery of stolen weapons and compliments from a subscriber in France.

Passing in Review (p. 5)
Five publications are mentioned, including Lonestar Preacher (Texas Christian University Press) by John W. Thomason, John T. McMahon’s Diary of the 136th New York, 1861-1864 (White Mane Publishing) edited by John Michael Priest, My Brother’s Face: Portraits of the Civil War (Chronicle Books) by Charles Phillips and Alan Axelrod, This War So Horrible: The Civil War of Hiram Smith Williams (University of Alabama Press) edited by Lewis Wynn and Robert Taylor and The Last Full Measure: The Life and Death of the First Minnesota Volunteers (Henry Holt & Co.) by Richard Moe.

Casualties: Sixteen Portraits of the Grim Face of War excerpted from the new book by Richard Matthews (pp. 6-11)
Excerpts from frequent MI contributor Dick Matthews’ new book, One Day of Glory: A History of the 149th Pennsylvania Infantry include portraits of Miles Beaty, Henry Spayd, John D. Snyder, Michael Smyser, Henry Lentz, Frederick Matthews and ten more.

California Gold: Images from the collection of Robert Kotchian (pp. 12-15)
Eleven gems from this West Coast collector include Fort Point on San Francisco Bay, a patriotic Vermont woman, Fort Assinniboine, Mont., a Buffalo soldier, Capt. Willis Wittich of the 21st U.S. Infantry on a bicycle and more.

“Anonymous:” Photographer to the Sixth Corps by Joseph Covais (pp. 16-21)
A survey of 15 portraits, all linked by the same painted canvas backdrop and connected to the Sixth Corps of the Union army.

The Photograph Album of Captain Joseph P. Reel: Company G, 93rd Illinois Infantry by Scott Cross (pp. 22-24)
A dozen portraits are presented here, along with a brief history of the regiment. All of the images are identified, and they include Pvt. Daniel Ilgen, Lt. Samuel Daughenbaugh, Capt. Charles F. Taggart, Chaplain Charles Hagerty, 1st Lt. Charles Hartsough, Lt. Harvey Trimble and more.

“If Only…” or Through a Glass Lightly: An exploration of photographic possibilities with certain ambrotypes by David Wynn Vaughan (pp. 25-26)
The author explains how he arranged to have a modern print made of a faded ambrotype. The modern print revealed details that were not easily visible on the original.

Battle Born! Charles McDermit and the Nevada Territory Volunteers in the Civil War by Jeff Klages (pp. 27-29)
This look at Nevada’s contribution to Union arms includes a list of military organizations raised in the territory and four portraits, including McDermit and his son, Charles.

Sutlers’ Row (pp. 30-32)

Back cover
A sixth-plate ambrotype from the Herb Peck Jr. Collection pictures a young man in civilian dress with a Confederate national flag.

Finding Aid: September/October 1996

The complete issue

Vol. XVIII, No. 2
(40 pages)

Print edition: Visit our store to check availability
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Cover image
A large photographic print taken in Buffalo circa 188-1891 pictures a group of soldiers standing in front of train. One soldier’s knapsack is labeled “10th Separate Company.” The image is part of the Tom Moeller Collection.

Table of Contents (p. 1)

Editor’s Desk (p. 3)
The fight to save Buffington Island, Ohio, and the launch of the African American Civil War Memorial Campaign are among the items mentioned in this issue.

Mail Call (pp. 4-5)
Letters include information about the burial of South Carolina soldiers, Mann accouterments, the Kearsarge at Cherbourg and more.

Passing in Review (p. 6)
Three publications are mentioned, including Fields of Battle: The Wars for North America (Alfred A. Knopf) by John Keegan, Forging a Nation from Revolution to Civil War (Eagle Press) by Linda Zimmerman with Richard Ricca and They Rode with Forrest and Wheeler: A Chronicle of Five Tennessee Brothers in the Confederate Western Cavalry (McFarland & Co.) by John E. Fisher.

The Auction Block (p. 7)

“For God’s Sake, Hurry Up…” The Fifth Michigan Infantry at Williamsburg May 5, 1862 by John Braden (pp. 8-12)
A narrative of events related to these Michiganders is illustrated with eight portraits of its members. They include Col. Henry Terry, Lt. Col. Samuel Beach, Elbridge and Luther Franklin, Capt. Heber LeFavour, Pvt. John Boshaw, Sgt. John Fortier, Capt. Edwin Sherlock and 1st Lt. John Braden.

Three Hospitals: Photographic views of a trio of Civil War medical facilities by John Halliday (pp. 13-17)
New Haven Hospital, Lovell General Hospital and Chesapeake Hospital are featured, each represented by numerous outdoor views and portraits of those connected to the facilities.

Arm Bands of World War I by Roger Norland (pp. 18-19)
A survey of seven images of doughboy wearing arm bands that indicate their service as medical corpsmen, military police, headquarters staff and more.

Proppin’ the Prop: A glimpse at martial and patriotic props used by Civil War photographers by Roy Mantle (pp. 20-29)
A survey of 13 portraits shows how citizen soldiers posed with equipment, flags and backdrops to underscore their patriotism.

Stragglers (pp. 30-33)
“Solo photos of the odd & unusual from the collections of our readers” includes two poignant portraits of a mother and father posing with the body of their soldier son, a frontier character, a trio of Yankee tipplers, the crew of a Gatling gun from the Spanish-American War era, a World War I period image of a British American banquet in Capetown, South Africa, and more.

Captain Bob’s Caveat Emptorium (p. 35)
The author attempts to convince us that two modern wet-plate images are 19th century originals.

Light & Shadow: Technical Aspects of Photography & Collecting (pp. 36-37)
A moving poem by Douglas Spencer about his experience of finding a portrait of his great-great uncle, Lewis Longworthy of the 33rd Illinois Infantry, at the U.S. Army Military History Institute at Carlisle Barracks, Pa.

Sutlers’ Row (pp. 38-39)

Finding Aid: July/August 1996

The complete issue

Vol. XVIII, No. 1
(40 pages)

Print edition: Visit our store to check availability
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Cover image
A tintype courtesy of S.W. Bondurant M.D. pictures Corp. Samuel Francis Bondurant of the 4th Alabama Infantry. He was wounded on July 2, 1863, in the fighting on Little Round Top during the Battle of Gettysburg.

Table of Contents (p. 1)

Editor’s Desk (p. 3)
The editor introduces the Gettysburg theme for this issue, and reflects on the pain and suffering of the 51,000 casualties left after the three-day engagement.

Mail Call (pp. 5-6)
Letters include a request for an article about the Grand Army of the Republic and best wishes to MI for its 100th issue—and looking forward to issue 200!

Passing in Review (p. 6)
Six publications are mentioned, including Soldier Boy: The Civil War Letters of Charles O. Musser, 29th Iowa (University of Iowa Press) edited by Barry Popchock, The Ties of the Past: The Gettysburg Diaries of Salome Myers Stewart, 1854-1922 (Thomas Publications) by Sarah Sites Rodgers, Lee the Soldier (University of Nebraska Press) edited by Gary W. Gallagher, Arrogant Armies: Great Military Disasters and the Generals Behind Them (Wiley) by James M. Perry and more.

Gettysburg Faces: A Portrait Album (pp. 7-32)
A total of 94 portraits of soldiers who became casualties at Gettysburg are accompanied by captions that provide basic details of their plight during the battle. They include Brig. Gen. Gabriel Rene Paul, Sgt. John B. Yarbrough of the 13th North Carolina Infantry, Pvt. Joseph T. Yarbrough of the 45th North Carolina Infantry, Cpl. James Brownlee of the 134th New York Infantry, Pvt. Victor Hallock of the 147th New York Infantry, Lt. William M. Nunnally of the 13th North Carolina Infantry, Lt. West Funk of the 121st Pennsylvania Infantry, Pvt. Benjamin F. Chase of the 2nd New Hampshire Infantry, Lt. George Myers of the 8th South Carolina Infantry, Lt. Frederick Boalt of the 55th Ohio Infantry and more.

Stragglers (p. 33)
Unusual images from the collections of our readers are represented by a single albumen image of vessels from the collection of Dale Snair. One of the ships bears resemblance to the Kearsarge, and this may be a view of Cherbourg, France, where the vessel was victorious over the rebel raider Alabama and its Capt. Raphael Semmes.

The Auction Block (p. 34)

Uniforms & History by Michael J. McAfee (p. 35)
In “The 146th New York Infantry, ‘Garrard’s Tigers,’” McAfee explores the uniforms and history of this organization. The narrative is illustrated with portraits of a corporal and a musician from the regiment.

Captain Bob’s Caveat Emptorium (pp. 36-37)
The author attempts to stump readers with fantastic claims about soldier and sailor portraits in this installment of the occasional series.

Sutlers’ Row (pp. 38-40)

Back cover
A carte de visite from the Rick Carlile collection pictures Pvt. Benjamin F. Falls of the 19th Massachusetts Infantry, who received the Medal of Honor for wresting a Confederate flag from its bearer during the Battle of Gettysburg on July 3, 1863.

Finding Aid: January/February 1995

The complete issue

Vol. XVI, No. 4
(40 pages)

Print edition: Visit our store to check availability
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Cover image
A sixth-plate ambrotype from the Herb Peck Jr. Collection pictures a jaunty soldier from a heavy artillery regiment wielding a five-string banjo and a .32 caliber rim fire Allen & Wheelock side-hammer revolver.

Editor’s Desk (p. 1)
The editor dedicates this issue to Herb Peck Jr., who has contributed numerous fabulous images but has never written a story.

Mail Call (p. 3)
Letters include congratulations for the recent Confederate and Wolverines issues, and a request for help to find a photo once reported to have hung in the Museum at Chapultepec Castle in Mexico City.

Passing in Review (pp. 4-5)
Five publications are mentioned, including The Third Day at Gettysburg & Beyond (University of North Carolina Press) edited by Gary Gallagher, Ironclad of the Roanoke: Gilbert Elliott’s Albermarle (White Mane Publishing Co.) by Robert Elliott, Riding with Stuart: Reminiscences of an aide-de-camp (White Mane Publishing Co.) edited by Robert Trout, Treatise on Tactical Use of the Three Arms: Infantry, Artillery, & Cavalry (Brandy Station Bookshelf) by Francis J. Lippitt and Andersonville: The Last Depot (University of North Carolina Press) by William Marvel.

Private William Y. Dixon, 4th Louisiana Infantry by George C. Esker III (p. 7)
A profile of the Louisianan’s life and military service is illustrated with a quarter-plate ambrotype portrait.

The Distant Cannon Backdrop: An Unknown Photographer of the Army of the Potomac by Michael Telzrow (pp. 8-9)
This survey includes four images with the same painted canvas backdrop. Evidence suggests was made by a photographer attached to the Army of the Potomac until June 1863.

Suicide Specials & Pocket Cannon: Uncommon handguns of the Civil War as seen in contemporary photographs (pp. 10-19)
A survey of 26 portraits features a variety of handguns, including the 1861 Remington Army, Colt Navy, a .22 caliber Manhattan rim fire, a Whitney-Beals pocket revolver, a Model 1858 Starr Arms Company double action revolver, a Savage Revolving Arms Company navy model six-shooter and more.

Your Noble Response…Akron’s Hundred Days Men of 1864 by John Gurnish (pp. 20-23)
A carte de visite of Ohio National Guardsmen in Akron is the focus of this photo analysis. The soldiers, who belonged to the 54th Battalion, Ohio National Guard, are shown in the streets of the city. A modern view of the same location is included.

Three Bucktails: The Ottos of McKean County by Timothy Bennett (pp. 24-25)
Brothers Joseph and George Otto and their cousin Delos served in Company G of the 150th Pennsylvania Infantry. Only George would survive the war. Joseph died of typhoid soon after he enlisted and Delos was killed in action during the Battle of The Wilderness on May 5, 1864.

American Hussars: Uniform Analysis by John Sickles (pp. 26-27)
Five Hussar portraits represent soldiers from armies in the Union, Britain, Germany and Austro-Hungary.

Errant Chaplain of the Iron Brigade by Ben Maryniak (pp. 28-30)
A biography of Rev. James Cook Richmond of the 2nd Wisconsin Infantry is illustrated with his portrait. Described as a “man of many parts,” by the author, Richmond had a penchant for writing obscene letters to ladies.

Captain Clark & the Strother Brothers by John Mills Bigham (pp. 31)
In the spring of 1861, four members of the 7th South Carolina Infantry posed for their portrait in the studio of Charleston, S.C., photographer Charles J. Quinby. The quartet was 3rd Lt. George James Strother, Lt. Richard Coleman Strother, Pvt. John Coleman Strother and Capt. William E. Clark. The author provides brief accounts of each man’s military service.

Uniforms & History by Michael J. McAfee (pp. 32-33)
In “‘Gosline’s Pennsylvania Zouaves’ (95th Infantry Regiment),” McAfee explores the uniforms and history of this organization. The narrative is illustrated with a portrait of Sgt. Michael Lawn of Company K.

Stragglers (pp. 34-37)
Solo photos of the humorous and the unusual from the collections of our readers includes a company of the 7th New York National Guard with muskets raised, a Union soldier with tartan stripes on his collar, a drum major at the Naval Academy and a soldier from the 37th Wisconsin Infantry with unusual striping on his uniform coat.

Sutlers’ Row (pp. 38-39)

Back cover
A sixth-plate tintype from the Roy Mantle Collection pictures an infantryman in front of the “Withered Tree” backdrop.

Finding Aid: May/June 1994

The complete issue

Vol. XV, No. 6
(40 pages)

Print edition: Visit our store to check availability
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Cover image
A selection of navy images, the main theme of this first issue dedicated to this branch of the military.

Editor’s Desk (p. 1)
The editor introduces this first all-navy issue, thanks the many contributors who submitted images, and explains that even though the page number has been expanded to 40 all the photos could not be published.

Mail Call (p. 3)
The letters to the editor includes further discussion of the mystery woman holding the Stars and Stripes pictures in the January/February issue and the identification of a Confederate colonel published in the last issue.

Passing in Review (pp. 4-5)
Five publications are mentioned, including In the Electric Mist with Confederate Dead (Hyperion Books) by James Lee Burke, Duel Between the First Ironclads (Stackpole Books) by William C. Davis, Gettysburg: Culp’s Hill & Cemetery Hill (University of North Carolina Press) by Harry W. Pfanz, A Captain’s War: The Letters & Diaries of William H.S. Burgwyn, 1861-65 (White Main Publishing) edited by Herbert M. Schiller and The Class of 1846: From West Point to Appomattox (Warner Books) by John C. Waugh.

The Photograph Album of Lt. John Grimball, C.S.N with commentary by John Mills Bigham (pp. 6-8)
The album, made available by Sam Howell IV and the South Carolina Confederate Relic Room and Museum, showcases 13 images. One is a group portrait of seven unidentified “CSN officers sent to England during war” and the other 12 are individual portraits. All are identified: Capt. James Iredell Waddell, Lt. Richard Felder Armstrong, Acting Master Irvine S. Bullock, 1st Asst. Engineer William H. Codd, Midshipman John T. Mason, Engineer Matthew O’Brien, Lt. William F. Carlin, Acting Paymaster William Breedlove Smith, Acting Midshipman Joseph David Wilson, Lt. William Conway Whittle, Lt. Thomas Lardner Dornin and officer William Pinckney Mason.

The Lady of the Lakes: U.S.S. Michigan by Theodore J. Karle (pp. 9-11)
A history of the warship, which spent the Civil War as master of the Great Lakes, appears here, along with a view of the vessel during the period. Also included are four images of the vessel from 1913. By this time, she had been completely refurbished and was known as the Wolverine.

Gunboat Cavalryman: Peter Ole Hill, 4th Illinois Cavalry and U.S.S. Cairo by Leonard Jacobs (pp. 12-13)
A vignette of this soldier and sailor leaves the author with an impression that Hill loved adventure. The narrative is illustrated with a portrait of Hill, a scrap of paper that lists the members of the Cairo’s Mess No. 4, and photos of two ships on which Hill served, the Cairo and the Forest Rose.

All the Ships at Sea: An Overview of Union Naval Vessels by (pp. 14-17)
A brief introduction sets up a survey of 12 navy images, which includes an impressive view of the hull of the ironclad Puritan at the Continental Iron Works of Greenpoint, N.Y., the converted river steamers Lafayette and Choctaw, the monitors Neosho and Osage, and more.

Your Devoted Son…The letters of William Jackson, Midshipman, CSN edited by David Wynn Vaughan (pp. 18-19)
A carte de visite of William Congreve Jackson accompanies excerpts of letters written by him while at the U.S. Naval Academy and, after the start of the Civil War, as a junior officer on the Ellis. He was mortally wounded on Feb. 10, 1862, during an engagement off the North Carolina coast.

Bluejackets: Sailors of the Union Navy (pp. 20-30)
A survey of 47 portraits, of which eight are identified: William Helden of the Santiago de Cuba, Seaman Louis Laybourne, Seaman James Hill of the Clara Dolsen, Midshipman Geoffrey Wilde, Midshipman Clayton Richmond, Acting Cmdr. George U. Morris of the Cumberland, Cmdr. Charles S. Boggs of the Varuna and Surg. Benjamin Gibbs.

Death of an Ironclad: A brief history of U.S.S. Tecumseh by Jerry Harlowe (pp. 31-32)
The story of the Canonicus class monitor that struck a torpedo and sunk during the Battle of Mobile Bay on Aug. 5, 1864, is illustrated with the only known photo of the vessel, taken on the ways of the Secor Ironworks of Jersey City, N.J.

A Navy Victorious: A naval review in New York Harbor, from the collection of Christopher Jordan (pp. 33-35)
The massive naval review held on Sept. 29, 1899, to honor Adm. George Dewey is represented by a series of images from glass slides made by the New York Camera Club.

Flying Salts from the Early Days of Naval Aviation: Photographic survey by John Stacey (pp. 36-37)
Portraits of six pioneer pilots are pictured, including Lt. Cmdr. Godfrey Chevalier, Ensign Frank Eidmann and Chief Printer J.A. Burnham.

Stragglers (p. 38)
A single photo of an ironclad original published with an erroneous caption identifying the vessel as the Monitor at Charleston is pictured in this regular column.

Sutlers’ Row (pp. 39-40)

Back cover
A selection of four navy-related images.

Finding Aid: May/June 1992

The complete issue

Vol. XIII, No. 6
(32 pages)

Print edition: Visit our store to check availability
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Cover image
A quarter-plate ambrotype from the Don V. Bates Jr. Collection is a charming view of a Civil War era couple in a phaeton marked “Buckley’s Newspaper Express” on the side of the basket.

Editor’s Desk (p. 1)
The editor informs readers about The Daguerreian Society, a nonprofit incorporated in 1988 that is dedicated to the history, art and science of the world’s first form of photography.

Mail Call (pp. 2-3)
The letters to the editor includes two comments about reproduction images and how more positive approaches may help distinguish them from original images.

Passing in Review (p. 5)
Seven publications are mentioned, including Myles Keogh: The Life and Legend of an “Irish Dragoon” in the 7th Cavalry (Upton & Sons) edited and compiled by J.P. Langellier, Kurt Cox and Brian Pohanka, Lejeune: A Marine’s Life, 1867-1942 (University of South Carolina Press) by Merrill Barnett, The Book of Military Blunders (ABC-Clio) by Geoffrey Regan, Echoes of Glory (Time-Life Books), The Long Arm of Lee (The University of Nebraska Press) by Jennings Wise and more.

Uniforms & History by Michael J. McAfee (p. 6)
In “13th Regiment, New York State Militia,” McAfee details the organization and distinctive uniform of this regiment. The story is illustrated with a portrait of an unidentified sergeant from the regiment.

“Tell It to the Chaplain:” The Philippine Ordeal of Signal Corps Photographer Leland Smith by Brad Prowse (p. 7)
Captured by Filipino insurgents in October 1899, Leland Smith was held with about 40 other prisoners and gained his release in January 1900. Details of his time in enemy hands are detailed here. A photograph of Leland with other prisoners illustrates the text.

Sunshine to Greenbacks: An incomplete history of Ohio photographer Emmor Crew by Timothy Brookes (pp. 8-9)
A brief history of the career of the Alliance, Ohio, photographer is illustrated with five Civil War era cartes de visite soldier portraits. Including Ben Crew, the photographer’s brother, who died in the Sultana disaster.

Claude Levet: Late 20th Century Collodion Artist: A Retrospective (pp. 10-15)
A survey of 16 representative images taken between 1990 and 1991 depict re-enactors and living historians. The relative youth and slimness of the individuals makes these modern images difficult to distinguish from 19th century originals.

The Quincy City Guard, Antebellum Volunteers by John Graf (pp. 16-17)
Two full-plate daguerreotypes from the Historical Society of Quincy and Adams County, Ill., are introduced with a brief history of early American militias. One of the images is a portrait of Capt. E.W. Godfrey and Lt. U.S. Penfield. The other image is an outdoor view of the militiamen taken in 1855 or 1856.

The Memoirs of a Missouri Soldier: August Reimers edited by Hartman McIntosh (pp. 18-23)
Excerpts of Reimer’s 1905 memoirs include his service in the 3rd Missouri Infantry, a 90-day regiment formed in 1861, and the 15th Missouri Infantry. Two portraits of him illustrate the narrative.

What a Mess! Views of Military Cuisine (pp. 24-29)
A survey of 11 photographs from the Civil War through World War show soldiers posed with various cooking equipment and food.

Stragglers (pp. 30-31)
Solo photos of the interesting and the unique, from the collections of our readers includes three navy images: A view of the Oregon in action in 1898, an unidentified Civil War era ironclad on the Mississippi River with the letters S and X on its stacks and a sailor from the Ticonderoga.

Sutlers’ Row (p. 32)

Back cover
A carte de visite from the Seward Osborne Collection pictures Brevet Maj. Gen. Benjamin F. Kelley.

Finding Aid: September/October 1991

The complete issue

Vol. XIII, No. 2
(32 pages)

Print edition: Visit our store to check availability
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Cover image
A tintype from the Marius Peladeau Collection is a portrait of William W. Heath of the 4th Vermont Infantry.

Editor’s Desk (p. 1)
The editor introduces the theme of this issue—Vermont’s Green Mountain soldiers—and alerts readers to the theft of images from collector John Ertzgaard.

Mail Call (p. 3)
The letters to the editor includes a comment about the recent Zouaves feature and a question about the removal of modern tape attached to an ambrotype.

Passing in Review (pp. 4-5)
Nine publications are mentioned, including Echoes of Battle: The Atlanta Campaign (Blue Acorn Press) by Larry Strayer and Rick Baumgartner, Lee Considered: General Robert E. Lee and Civil War History (University of North Carolina Press) by Alan T. Nolan, The Confederate Regular Army (White Mane Publishing Co.) by Richard P. Weinert, Civil War Virginia: Battleground for a Nation (University Press of Virginia) by James I. Robertson Jr. and more.

Green Mountain Soldiers: Vermonters in the Civil War by Marius Peladeau (pp. 7-15)
This overview profiles Vermont’s contribution to the Union army and includes capsule histories of all the regiments raised in the state. A total of 31 portraits illustrate the text, of which 25 are identified. Named soldiers include Lt. Edward Gould of the 8th Infantry, Lt. Edwin Lewis of the 6th Infantry and 13th U.S. Colored Heavy Artillery, privates John Hale Powers and Harvey Bickford of the 1st Cavalry, Maj. George Chamberlain, 1st Heavy Artillery, Asst. Surg. Almon Clark of the 10th and more.

“Put the Vermonters Ahead…” A history of the 1st Vermont Brigade by Jeff Driscoll (pp. 16-30)
This detailed history of the brigade, which originally included the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th infantries, is illustrated with 41 portraits of which 39 are named soldiers. Identified men include Medal of Honor recipient Ephraim Harrington, color sergeant of the 2nd Infantry, Col. Oscar Tuttle Cavendish of the 1st and 6th Infantries, Pvt. Madison Cook of the 2nd Infantry, Maj. Alonzo Newt of the 3rd Vermont, Capt. Edward Carter of the 4th Infantry, Capt. Merrill Samson of the 5th Infantry and more.

Uniforms & History by Michael J. McAfee (p. 31)
In “2nd Regiment, Vermont Volunteer Infantry, 1861-1865” McAfee details the organization and uniform of this regiment. The story is illustrated with a portrait of an unidentified sergeant holding a Model 1842 musket.

Sutlers’ Row (p. 32)

Back cover
Two portraits are featured, including an image of Lt. Carlos Dwinnell of the 6th Vermont Infantry and a carte de visite of a soldier and his daughter by McIntosh of Northfield, Vt.

Finding Aid: July/August 1991

The complete issue

Vol. XIII, No. 1
(32 pages)

Print edition: Visit our store to check availability
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Cover image
A sixth-plate daguerreotype from the Herb Peck Jr. Collection is a portrait of Pvt. Samuel Hickox of the 9th U.S. Infantry. Wounded in the Mexican War, he spent the remaining 67 years of his life in an insane asylum.

Editor’s Desk (p. 1)
The editor “combines two themes that are ever popular with Civil War enthusiasts: zouaves and the battle of Gettysburg.”

Mail Call (p. 3)
The letters to the editor features several identifications of images pictured in recent issues, including the cover of the September-October 1982 issue.

Passing in Review (p. 5)
Ten publications are mentioned, including The Civil War in North Carolina (John F. Blair) by John F. Blair, On Fields of Fury (Harper-Collins) by Richard Wheeler, The United States Infantry, an Illustrated History 1775-1918 (Sterling Publishing) by Gregory Urwin, Introduction to Civil War Photography (Thomas Publications) by Ross J. Kelbaugh, Jefferson Davis and His Generals: The Failure of Confederate Command in the West (University Press of Kansas) by Steven E. Woodworth and more.

Six Lieutenants: Vignettes of North Carolinians in America’s Greatest Battle by Greg Mast (pp. 6-13)
The author profiles infantry officers who fought at Gettysburg: 2nd Lt. William Bray of the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Lt. George Job Huntly of the 34th, 2nd Lt. William A. Tuttle of the 22nd, 1st Lt. John R. Emerson and 3rd Lt. Orren Alston Hanner of the 26th and 3rd Lt. William R. Taylor of the 11th.

“Gettysburg Was a Disaster…” a vignette of three brothers in the 154th New York Infantry by Mark Dunkelman (pp. 14-15)
Jacob, Jerome and Addison Shafer were captured when they were posted to cover the retreat of the 11th Corps on the afternoon of July 1, 1863. Addison and Jacob managed to survive their ordeal, but Jerome died in captivity.

A New View From Little Round Top with commentary by William Frassanito (pp. 16-17)
A previously unknown stereoview of the battlefield taken by Philadelphia photographer Samuel Fisher Corlies is front and center in this exploration by Frassanito, whose groundbreaking work in the examination of Gettysburg battlefield photography is the stuff of legend.

A Zouave Sharpshooter by Brian Pohanka (pp. 18-19)
Cleveland Winslow, the colonel of the 5th New York Infantry, or “Duryee Zouaves,” was fired on as he attempted to suppress the New York Draft Riots in 1863. Though the identity of the shooter in not known, Pohanka suggest a possible suspect: Alonzo Mace, a disgruntled former member of the 5th. The full story, which includes images of Winslow and Mace, is told here.

A Quaker Zouave…and an Irish Soldier by R. Dean Kenderdine and Arthur O’Leary (pp. 20-21)
Portraits of Robert Kenderdine of the 114th Pennsylvania Infantry, or Collis’ Zouaves), his brother Thaddeus, an officer in the 174th Pennsylvania Infantry, and Corp. Michael Maloy of the 57th Pennsylvania Infantry are accompanied by details of their lives and military service in the Union army.

Zouaves and a Few Chasseurs: Images from our readers (pp. 22-27)
A total of 25 portraits are featured with brief captions. Identified soldiers include Col. Rush C. Hawkins of the 9th New York Infantry, Corp. John Newman of the 146t New York Infantry, Pvt. Frederick Smart of the 5th New York Infantry, Drum Major James Claire of the 19th Massachusetts Infantry, Pvt. Theodore Shaffer and Corp. Charles Compton of the 34t Indiana Infantry, Pvt. Mills Williamson of the 95th Pennsylvania Infantry, Pvt. James Davis of the 44th New York Infantry and Sgt. Alfred Cranston of the 14th Brooklyn, New York State Militia.

Uniforms & History by Michael J. McAfee (p. 29)
In “114th Pennsylvania Infantry” ‘The Collis Zouaves,’” McAfee details the organization and distinctive uniform of this Keystone State regiment. The story is illustrated with a portrait of Marie “French Mary” Tepe, the regiment’s vivandière and wife of Pvt. Bernardo Tepe.

Sutlers’ Row (pp. 31-32)

Back cover
A quarter-plate daguerreotype from the John M. Hightower Collection pictures a fifer from the Mexican War era. He may possibly be a Vermonter.

Finding Aid: January/February 1992

The complete issue

Vol. XIII, No. 4
(32 pages)

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Cover image
A sixth-plate daguerreotype of an unknown militia soldier or state volunteer from the Mexican War period.

Editor’s Desk (p. 1)
The editor announces the availability of an index for volumes I-XII, and updates on museum expansions and preservation efforts.

Mail Call (p. 3)
The letters to the editor include feedback about the kersey blue pants mentioned in the Green Mountain issue, applause for the Confederate issue (November-December 1991) and kudos for Greg Mast’s profiles of six North Carolina lieutenants (July-August 1991).

Soldiers of the Sioux Campaign, 1890-91 (pp. 5-7)
A selection of photos from the book Eyewitness at Wounded Knee by Richard Jensen, Eli Paul and John Carter of the Nebraska State Historical Society includes various outdoor images from the Society’s collection.

Weapons of the American Soldier in the Great War: A pictorial survey by Scott Whitcome (pp. 8-15)
The year 1992 marks the 75th anniversary of America’s entry into World War I. Presented here is a sampling of images intended as an introduction to collectors who may be interested in exploring this period. A total of 17 photographs include a doughboy in full marching gear, an unidentified officer wearing a gas mask, Pvt. Roman L. Miller with a Browning Automatic Rifle, a soldier with a Hotchkiss Model 1914 machine gun, a cavalry trooper astride his mount and more.

A Bridge Too Many, or How to Be in Two Places at Once by Stephen Rogers (pp. 16-18)
Two well-known two images of temporary bridges over Virginia’s Chickahominy River are the focus of this examination. The photographs have been reproduced in numerous books and Ken Burns’ Civil War series. The author theorizes that the bridges are not separate structures, as has been long understood, but different views of the same bridge. Supporting observations lend credence to his claim.

“Follow Me!” Vignettes of five junior officers in the Union Army (pp. 19-21)
Profiles and photographs include Lt. Joseph Pierson of the 12th New Jersey Infantry, Capt. Hugh P. Boon of the 1st West Virginia Cavalry, Capt. George Brinkerhoff of the 135th New York Infantry, Capt. George Hazzard of the 4th U.S. Artillery and Lt. Charles DeRudio of the 79th New York Infantry, 2nd U.S. Colored Infantry and the 7th U.S. Cavalry.

Victor Vifquain and the Attempt to Capture Jefferson Davis in 1862 by Jeffrey Smith (pp. 22-23)
French-born Jean-Baptiste Victor Vifquain served briefly as a private in the 53rd New York Infantry before embarking on a unique adventure with two officers from the regiment—a plot to capture the Confederate president and commander-in-chief. The plan did not achieve its goal. Vifquain went on to become colonel of the 97th Illinois Infantry and receive the Medal of Honor for the capture of an enemy flag during the assault on Fort Blakely, Ala., on April 9, 1865.

An Officer and a Gentleman…Sort of by Joseph G. Bilby (pp. 24-25)
“Henry W. Barnes was a fellow with an eye for the ladies—and a penchant for marrying them.” Thus begins the sordid personal history of Barnes, or Henry Brown, as he became known, and his Civil War career as colonel of the 3rd New Jersey Infantry.

Uniforms & History by Michael J. McAfee (pp. 26-27)
In “14th Regiment, New York State Militia ‘14th Brooklyn’—84th New York Volunteers,” McAfee examines the origins of this respected regiment and its chasseur-inspired uniform. Portraits of Fred Tinker and Frederick Wright illustrate the narrative.

Passing in Review (pp. 28-29)
Nine publications are mentioned, including Westward the Texans: The Civil War Journal of Pvt. William R. Howell (Texas Western Press) by Jerry D. Thompson, The Battle of Belmont: Grant Strikes South (The University of North Carolina Press) by Nathaniel Cheairs Hughes Jr., From Desert to Bayou: The Civil War Journal and Sketches of Morgan Wolfe Merrick (Texas Western Press) by Jerry D. Thompson, and more. Eleven other books, all reprints, are also mentioned.

Stragglers (pp. 30-31)
A single image, circa 1920, from the Rich Ricca Collection pictures Old Glory, Uncle Sam, Miss Liberty, nurses and soldiers representing many historical eras on a float for patriotic parade.

Sutlers’ Row (p. 32)

Back cover
A photo postcard from the Scott Whitcome collection pictures a doughboy’s kit, ready for inspection.